< The Cramp Twins

The Cramp Twins/YMMV

  • Ear Worm: That theme tune
  • Jerkass Woobie: Lucien can be this to a point. Yeah, he's an Insufferable Genius but try living with that borderline sociopathic brother of his.
    • Wayne and Mr. Winkle also can be seen as this time to time due to how Wendy Winkle treats them.
  • Nausea Fuel: While trying to escape Ms. Hissy in one episode, Wayne dives into the sewer and gets stuck in a pipe. When the flow of the six o'clock flush proves too much, Wayne is pushed out of the sewer in a geyser of waste.
    • The episode "Spit Collector" revolves around Wayne collecting other people's and animals' saliva so as to hide the fact that he's been gorging on a candy that turns your spit green. Cue the disgusting collection process.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Wayne's Slasher Smile can have this effect at times, such as "Lion Worrier" which ends with an extreme closeup of one Wayne gives directly to the camera.
    • Mrs. Cramp can be just as bad at times with her obsession to clean. A prime example would be "Holesome" where her obsession with testing a rather acidic experimental cleaner led to some creepy parts like her coming up behind Lucien with her own slasher smile and then laughing maniacally when it eats away his shirt. Or "Lice-ense to Kill" when she pulls out electric equipment to kill the lice on Wayne's head and then barges into Lucien's room with an extreme closeup on her deranged face.
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