The Cracked Conspiracy
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Reason: Possibly non-existent work. No URL is given, Google turns up only us and TVT as any content approaching what is described below, and admit it, the description reads like a Troll wrote it. Then again, the author's name does attribute a genuine Cracked editor, who has been contacted for confirmation..
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The Cracked Conspiracy, the definition of the word esoteric, written by Shamus.P. Davis, or College Binary began writing a story out of boredom and lack of any real writing one day, so he decided to make it a fan fic about some of the more prominent members on It originally was supposed to be only a few updates long, but it gained immense popularity among all those who read it, and thus Binary kept writing it. This would account for the disjointed, plot-holed story in the beginning. If you've never been to the Cracked Forums, or the internet, first of all, how are you reading this? And secondly: you are fat and nobody likes you. Possibly homosexual.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Inverted: Kathana, rather than going for Nate, the epitome of a badass Chaotic Neutral, goes for the doughy scientist.
- Antiquated Linguistics: Camerhil, because he is "Incomprehensibly, intolerably British".
- Black Comedy Rape: In a word? Spermus.
- The Blind Leading the Blind: Originally, Archangel seemed like an example of this, but it turns out he is the 11th best Hacker on the internet.
- British Stuffiness: Camerhil is an embodiment of this trope.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Fishboy.
- Cannot Tell a Joke: Archangel, mostly because of his retardedness.
- Church of Happyology: Subverted: The oppressive, totalitarian church that is willing to sue anyone that offends them, is openly referred to as Scientology.
- Double Entendre
- Epic Fail: How the 4Channers describe David Wong.
- Evil Lawyer Joke: The entire character of Evil Sloth.
- Funny Foreigner: Karlski and Camerhil.
- Give Geeks a Chance: Parodied with the character of Oball, a doughy, unpleasant scientist who manages to mock God at every turn.
- Sued for Superheroics: What Sloth does to Navigator2001Plus and the rest of the mods.
- Hurricane of Puns: Kicsi Viz.
- Made of Explodium
- Mix-and-Match Critters: Nedroid's theme park.
- My Friends and Zoidberg: "Our seven heroes and Archangel watched in awe."
- Perfectly Cromulent Word: "Shitjockey", "inetnert", "popesplosion" and "rape'n'roll".
- Self-Deprecation: Fishboy's description of Shamus, and the little Hate By Numbers scene.
- Stealth Pun: "Well, this was a pointless waste of time."
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Kathana and Oball.