< The Covenant
The Covenant/YMMV
- Nightmare Fuel: Sarah's nightmare, the Darkling...
- Complete Monster: Chase. He kills for two reasons: fun and power. Neither of these are good reasons.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Let's face it: if you never had heard of this movie and came across it on cable or something, your first reaction would be "Oh great, YET ANOTHER 'supernatural thriller' for teenage girls hoping to cash in on the Twilight craze!". Then you'd discover the movie actually precedes it...
- Also the fact Chace Crawford is the most famous of the stars but plays a pretty insignificant role.
- Narm: Many examples, but the villain is this incarnate, with the "Little Miss Muffet" and "Ooooh, witchy!" quotes being especially cringe-worthy.
- "I'm going to make you my wi-otch!"
- Fridge Brilliance: If you think about it, the boys' powers are one giant conservative-Christian masturbation analogy. From the age they develop their powers (between 12 and 13 years old) to the addictive nature of said powers, to the fact that they're being literally drained of youth and vitality with each use, which is honest-to-God what Christians used to think happened to young men who jerked it too much. Not to mention the fact that it's 'evil', and in their case, literally tied to what could be seen as Devil-worship!
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