< The Colony

The Colony/YMMV

Season 1

  • Jerkass Stu: Mike. He had just about everybody ready to throttle him at some point or another, but his mechanical skills gave the colony almost every comfort and convenience worth having, and his no-nonsense approach established priorities and needed tasks when most of the others had been scattering to their own less-than-vital projects.
  • Misaimed Fandom: Viewers criticizing the colonists for treating the contrived scenarios as though they were real, missing the point that the colonists are supposed to be roleplaying. There's also the fact that they weren't eating as well as they normally would. Malnutrition can do things to your mental state. Add to that the isolation, constant barrage of threats, non-stop problems, and daily battle for survival, and you've got a pretty good shot of something doing a number on your worldview. Immersion goes a long way.
  • Narm: "You're building a BOMB!!!"
    • Mike seemed to be pretty good at these. "I am not the leader. I'm just a BIG, DUMB, STUPID, MONKEY.
    • The raiders in Season one were not allowed to harm the contestants. But since the contestants don't know that the raiders are at more risk of being harmed. Leaving for the most part they seem to just make loud noises and run away.

Season 2

  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: One episode has the colonists defending their home from a 20 strong crowd of invaders and driving them off.
  • Hell Is That Noise: That fire extinguisher starts to ring? Better protect the base.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Along with the Squick entry below, there's also your home being burnt right after you move houses, being kidnapped, and starvation.
  • Wham! Episode: The end of the first episode already has the colonists physically attacked by a militia, who proceed to steal their medicine and a goodly portion of their food...and unlike the first season, "physically attacked" in this case meant that there were headlocks, throwing the colonists around, an elbow to a colonist's back while putting them into a headlock, slamming a colonist into the pavement, pinning them to the ground, and pepper spray right in their eyes. This leads to:
    • Does This Remind You of Anything? and Squick: Unlike the Mad Max-esque spectacles of the first season, the portrayal of the militia raid looked and felt a little like a gang rape.
    • Oh God, Becka. She's going to have nightmares for weeks after this experiment after that spectacle. The previews for next episode seem to suggest that it gets even worse for her.
  • Squick: In addition to the Wham! Episode entry, the second episode had them carting rotting, maggot-infested pigs back to their compound to turn the fat into biodiesel. The colonists handling the pigs were about fit to vomit.
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