The Chipmunks Parody Show
The Chipmunks Parody Show is a Gag Dub of the 80s Alvin and The Chipmunks series created by YouTube-er CosmicKitten89.
- The Abridged Series
- Affectionate Parody
- Anachronism Stew: Done deliberately for the sake of parody. The characters will even point them out.
Simon: That ringtone is an anarchonism!
Simon: He only knew where your keys and tie were because he's the one who stuffed them up your ass in the first place.
- Banana Peel
- Call Back
- Cloudcuckoolander: Theodore
- Cluster F-Bomb
- Curse Cut Short
- Deadpan Snarker: Everybody, but Simon especially.
- The Ditz: Theodore. According to Simon, he's retarded.
- Fantastic Racism:
Talk-show Host: Good job Simon! You scored over 200 points more than the [opposing team]. Unfortunately, since you're a midget in blue wearing glasses, you have to be carried away by the alphabet letters!
Simon: ****! Not the alphabet letters!
- Fat Idiot: Theodore's dialogue consists mostly of talking about food and repeating catchy commercial jingles.
- Frothy Mugs of Water: Averted.
- Gag Dub: of Alvin and The Chipmunks
- Gratuitous German: The pretend German teacher who judges their science fair.
- Gratuitous Japanese: At one point Simon answers the phone with "moshi moshi".
- Hot Dad: Dave, according to Britney.
- I Have Many Names: Theodore a.k.a. Theo a.k.a. Teddy
- Insufferable Genius: Simon. His I.Q. is over 300.
- It Runs on Nonsensoleum: The dunce-ificator. It makes people stupider.
- L Is for Dyslexia: Theodore
- No Fourth Wall
- Phony Psychic: Psycho Alvin
Simon: (looking into a "crystal ball") In your future I see-
Alvin: What! What?
Simon: Nothing, it's a goldfish bowl.
- Photographic Memory: Simon
- Shout-Out
- Smart People Wear Glasses
Simon: I'm the smart one! Can't you all tell from the glasses?
- Sound Effect Bleep: Used frequently.
Theodore: Why don't I ever make the beep sound when I talk?
Simon: Because "butt" isn't a f*cking curse word! *beep* *beep* *beep*
Theodore: What a sl*t! Hey, I made the beepy sound!
Simon: Goodforyou.
- Stock Sound Effects
- Surrounded by Idiots: Simon
- Talking To Herself: CosmicKitten does all the voices and just edits them in Audacity.
- The Unintelligible: The homeroom teacher sounds just like the ones from Peanuts just as often as she speaks normally.
- Wacky College: The boys attend Thomas Edison Community College for Midgets.