The Champions

The Champions is a British espionage/science fiction/occult detective fiction adventure series consisting of 30 episodes broadcast on the UK network ITV during 1968–1969, produced by Lew Grade's ITC Entertainment production company. The series was broadcast in the US on NBC, starting in summer 1968.
The main characters are a Power Trio of agents for a United Nations law enforcement organization called "Nemesis", based in Geneva. The three have different backgrounds: Richard Barrett (William Gaunt) is a code breaker, Craig Stirling (Stuart Damon) is a pilot, and Sharron Macready (Alexandra Bastedo) is a recently widowed scientist and doctor.
During their first mission as a team, their plane crashes in the Himalayas. They are rescued by an advanced civilization living secretly in the mountains, who save their lives, granting them perfected human abilities, including powers to communicate with one another over distances by ESP (telepathy), and to foresee events (precognition), enhanced five senses and intellect, and physical abilities to the fullest extent of human capabilities. Not surprisingly, these powers prove useful in the heroes' work.
- Cold War: The Red Chinese are the villains in some episodes.
- Fictional Counterpart: Nemesis is one to Interpol, which makes the heroes the fictional counterpart of Interpol Special Agents.
- Hot Scientist: Sharron.
- Power Trio: The main heroes.
- Psychic Powers: The three main characters have them.
- Shangri La: Where the heroes got their powers.
- Spy Drama
- Super Strength: The heroes get this as well as Psychic Powers from their saviors.
- Those Wacky Nazis: Occasionally used as villains.
- Urban Fantasy