The Cartoon Chronicles of Conroy Cat

A webcomic by Alex Dudley dedicated to animation fans, The Cartoon Chronicles of Conroy Cat is about the titular character doing odd jobs to get his name out and try to become famous in Cartoon Land. Most of the strips feature characters from other animation works, such as comic books, anime, and lots of western animation. There have also been "toon training" sessions, in which Doggy, a toon based on old black and white animation toons and one of the few recurring characters, teaches Conroy how to harness the power of the "funny bone" to create all the gags that you see in cartoons. It often lampshades the common gags and devices of animation.
It can be read here.
Tropes used in The Cartoon Chronicles of Conroy Cat include:
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Conroy and Doggy, and sometimes whatever other other toon is the guest for the day. Lampshaded here.
- Alliterative Name:
- Conroy Cat. The comic's title is alliterative accordingly.
- Doggy D. Dachsund.
- All There in the Manual: Doggy's full name has been revealed to be Doggy D. Dachsund, but not in the comic.
- Amusing Injuries: They happen. It is a comic about cartoons.
- Animated Actors: The comic takes place in a world where all toons are actors, and Conroy's many jobs involve working behind-the-scenes of several cartoon series.
- Aside Glance: Doggy does it here.
- Behind the Black: Conroy learns about this gag in this strip.
- Brain Bleach: Conroy sees Doggy "naked" and says that he'll "take up that sale on brain bleach."
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: And lampshaded here
- By the Lights of Their Eyes: It got lampshaded, too.
- Carnivore Confusion: One cartoon lampshaded Heffer's cannibalistic behavior.
- Creating Life: In the very first strip, no less.
- Dueling Movies: The strip lampshaded the timing of the release of the last Harry Potter movie and the new Winnie The Pooh movie.
- Expy: Conroy looks a lot like Felix the Cat.
- Genre Shift: In late 2011, Dudley started doing animated shorts with the characters.
- Groin Attack: Doggy hates this trope. After hearing how Puss'N'Boots kept messing up jumping over a spike in the filming of his new movie, his detest for it increases.
- Kamehame Hadoken: Conroy does a chi blast with undesirable side effects.
- Lampshade Hanging: Happens practically every other strip.
- Lower Deck Episode: A few strips focus entirely on other cartoon characters and do not feature the main characters at all.
- Piano Drop: In this strip.
- Shout-Out: How the funny bone works is a lot like chakra from Naruto. When Conroy points this out, he is immediately hit with a cane for it.
- Sphere Eyes: Conroy.
- Symbol Swearing: It was lampshaded.
- Toon Physics: Conroy learns that toon physics is broken down into two factors: the "Funny Bone" which handles Amusing Injuries and impossible physical feats, and the 4th wall.
- Toon Town: Cartoon Land.
- Unexplained Recovery: In "The Brat Came Back".
- Unusual Eyebrows: Conroy appears to have only one eyebrow.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: The ten minute ride to Anime-Town. Doggy lampshaded it.
- White Gloves: Doggy wears them, if only because that's what old toons wear.
- X Meets Y: The comic lampshaded the concept of Danny Phantom in the form of a mathmatical equation.
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