< The Call of the Wild
The Call of the Wild/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Buck winning the bet for John Thornton by pulling a sled with a thousand-pound cargo, which leads to a...
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming:
John Thornton: As you love me, Buck, as you love me.
- Gary Stu: After a while, you begin to wonder about the nigh-constant stream of praise both London and the other characters feed Buck.
- God Mode Sue: Not to mention that he's able to defeat multiple wolf packs, every animal in existence, kill huge bears, fully-armed Native American tribes, literally pull tons of weight all alone...
- Nightmare Fuel: The idea of getting overwhelmed by forty dogs and torn to pieces ala Curly if you so much as fall down.
- What an Idiot!: Hal. He abuses the dogs that have ran almost non-stop to Hell and back and why does he do it? He believe that the dogs NEED TO BE TOUGHENED UP. And he feeds the dogs stone cold leather strips that make them sick. He pays for it when he, Mercedes, and Charles all drown with the other dogs.
- What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: Because the protagonist is an animal, this often ends up on kid's shelves. Big mistake there.
- Some of the covers depict Buck. Of course there'd be someone who assumes that a picture of a cute majestic-looking dog would mean it's for kids.
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