The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird
The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird was the second Brave series, which aired from 1991 to 1992 in Japan. The series centered around the adventures of Yutaro Katori, an android possesed by an energy-based lifeform from space, and his fellow Space Police officers, in their fight against the evil being known as Draias.
Unlike the previous Brave series, Brave Exkaiser, which featured the hero as an energy being which inhabited a car, Fighbird focused more on self-parodying humor by having the robot leader take possession of a humanoid-simulating android instead (which interfaces with the Fire Jet to form the robot Fighbird). This forces him to coexist with humanity on their terms, causing a great deal of trouble as he attempts to adapt to human life. The concept of the "Space Police Force" otherwise remains intact (though not connected to the earlier series), a key difference being that the mecha that Fighbird and one of the combiner teams use was developed previously by a human scientist, whose nephew accompanies the Space Police in their battles.
- Badass: Katori kicks the asses of ailen henchmen on a regular basis.
- BFG: The Gran Cannon.
- Big Bad: Draias.
- Co-Dragons: Shura and Zol.
- Cool Boat: Aqua Baron.
- Cool Car: Road Baron, Guard Star, Guard Rescue, Guard Fire.
- Cool Jet: Fighbird, Sky Baron, Guard Wing, Fire Jet, and Draias Jet.
- Combining Mecha: Duh.
- Drill Tank: Drill Baron.
- Energy Beings: What Fighbird, the Space Police, Draias, Shura, and Zol technically are.
- Evil Tower of Ominousness: Draias tries to make one as his main goal in the series, literally named Devil's Tower.
- Fiery Redhead: Momoko.
- Friend on the Force: Inspector Satsuda, although he is also a bit of a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
- Hospital Hottie: Dr. Yoshiko Kunieda, although extremely indirectly.
- Large Ham: Dr. Jango.
- Mad Scientist: Dr. Jango.
- Made of Evil: Draias, Zol, and Shura are composed of minus energy. The last arc features Draias harvesting this from space in an attempt to restructure the universe.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: Fire Shuttle and Granbird.
- Mooks: The Teshitas, 'nuff said.
- The Professor: Hiroshi Amano.
- Monster of the Week: The Mecha Beasts, not to be confused with mechanical beasts or mecha-boosts.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Episode 36 has the teshitas disguise themselves as vampires in Germany.
- Ridiculously Human Robot: Katori, again.
- Secretly Wealthy: Professor Hiroshi Amano, so much so that Inspector Satsuda hounds him because of it.
- Space Police: Similar to Exkaiser.
- Tank Goodness: Ace Baron and the Baron Team.
- Transforming Mecha: Of course! This is the Brave series, after all.