< The Boondock Saints

The Boondock Saints/Characters


Connor MacManus

You ready for this shit, my dear brother?

The somewhat taller, more outgoing MacManus twin.


  • Friendly Sniper
  • Hot-Blooded: Connor is the more hot-tempered of the two, and is the one most prone to making fiery speeches, such as during the final courtroom scene in the first movie.
  • Ho Yay: The main source of this trope, being the one who randomly kisses Rocco at one point.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: Many of his plans come from movies or tv shows he saw.
  • Large Ham/No Indoor Voice: While Connor does have his quiet badass moments (such as during the "kill 'em all" speech at Rocco's place), when he gets going, it's with all the Hot Blood of his general nature.
  • Pet the Dog: While in the hospital, he plays with a sick child despite his own wounds.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Averted, in that Connor's Hot-Blooded nature makes him both more emotionally open and prone to ridiculous feats of manliness. Not to mention it is implied that he got his looks and outgoing personality from his mother.

Murphy MacManus

What's this they shit? This isn't a movie.

The introverted, pragmatic, dark-haired and pale-skinned twin.


  • Bishonen
  • Cold Sniper: To a lesser extent than usual for the trope. He still shows no qualms about hitting girls who hit him (or Connor) first, shoots a not-quite-dead mobster without blinking, and stabs one of the mob dudes who captured them in the back repeatedly with a broken hand. Most likely from his father's side of the family, as Noah MacManus also had the pale-skinned dark-haired look (when he was younger) and tendency to smoke.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Whenever Connor's plans involve something from a movie or TV show, this side comes out in full force.
  • Knife Nut
  • Kuudere: While much quieter than Connor, he can't stay calm for long when Rocco dies.
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Wavers between this and Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Averted. Being pale, withdrawn, and more lightly built than Connor makes him appear somewhat frailer... until he gets really mad, that is.
  • Smoking Is Cool: Smokes a lot more. Played almost literally in a deleted scene, where Murphy lights up right before he takes a shower and promptly complains that Connor used up all the hot water. May also be inherited from their father.

Il Duce, aka Noah MacManus

You must watch, dear. It'll all be over soon.

  • All in The Manual: The tie-in comic book expands on the backstory seen in the second movie.
  • Badass Beard: For the second movie
  • Badass Grandpa
  • Beard of Evil: For the first movie.
  • Cigar Chomper
  • Cold Sniper
  • Dual-Wielding
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: When he was younger, at least.
  • Freudian Excuse: When Il Duce was younger, his father was murdered by mobsters before his eyes.
  • Improvised Weapon: In the comic, he and Louie end up defending themselves with everything they can get their hands on in the leather shop. Louie's heavy metal leg brace even serves as a way to strangle a thug.
  • I Was Quite a Looker: Also when he was younger.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Whenever Il Duce gets called in around the halfway mark, things get serious. Which is very odd seeing as Il Duce is played by Billy Connolly.
  • More Dakka: His vest holds six guns.
  • Papa Wolf
  • Playing Against Type: The stone-cold veteran hitman, is played by Billy Connolly of all people. He's done serious roles before, but not like this.
  • Throw-Away Guns: His signature gun vest. Justified, as it makes a seasoned FBI detective believe he was six men instead of one, making it harder to be traced to him.
  • Shipped in Shackles: Il Duce (who provides the page image for this trope) is introduced in the first film being moved from his cell to the ground floor for a parole hearing. He is cuffed hand and foot, chained to a rolling platform, and wheeled down to the parole board. The entire prison is put on high-alert, with shotgun-wielding guards on every floor, all to move one man down a few flights of stairs. Once he's there, they even put him inside a metal cage to protect the parole board. All of this serves to establish the guy as a hard-core Badass.

Special Agent Paul Smecker

There was a FIREFIGHT!

  • Bunny Ears Lawyer
  • But Not Too Gay: Averted. Smecker is actually the most sexual of the main characters.
  • Deadpan Snarker: At times.
  • Disguised in Drag/Paper-Thin Disguise
  • Fan Disservice: Willem Dafoe in drag. Individual opinions can vary on the end result, but Troy Duffy wasn't exactly trying to throw the audience a bone.
  • Groin Attack: Delivers five in a row to a mook.
  • Large Ham: Probably the biggest ham of the first movie, especially during that scene.
  • N-Word Privileges: Averted, and played for humor at the same time. He repeatedly calls other gay men homophobic slurs, and is unfailingly given dirty looks. At the very least, he doesn't seem to mind when it's directed at himself, either.
  • Invisible to Gaydar: He appears to play up the Camp at times to poke fun at himself.
  • The Obi-Wan: Implied to be this for Eunice.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Willem Dafoe makes as convincing a woman as Bugs Bunny does. And like Bugs, he has extreme good fortune to "seduce" the one guy on earth thick enough to be fooled by his getup.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: He does this to infiltrate the Big Bad's mansion, and gets a little too into character. It inadvertently ends up saving his life, since Il Duce mistakes him for a woman from behind and simply knocks him out.
  • You! Get Me Coffee!: Whenever Detective Greenly would say something stupid or mouth off, he would be dispatched to fetch coffee and bagels.

Special Agent Eunice Bloom

I am so fucking smart, I make smart people feel like they are retarded.

Eunice: "With all due respect... man, I hate it when people say that because it is inevitably followed by a disrespectful remark. Here let me give you an example: With all due respect, detective, this matter falls under whatever jurisdiction I fuckin' say it does."

Detectives Dolly, Duffy, and Greenly

  • Butt Monkey: Greenly just can't seem to catch a break.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Greenly is even more retarded than usual around Special Agent Bloom.
  • It Has Been an Honor: Greenly's last words to the Saints.
  • Overly Long Last Name: If you're wondering why a South Boston detective has the imposing name of Dolly, it's because his actual last name is Dollapoppaskalious. This is lampshaded in the first movie when Smecker manages to pronounce it.

Dolly: Holy shit. You're the first one that's ever got that.


  • Cool Old Guy: He's completely okay with letting the Saints, a pair of wanted murderers, stay at his place for the second movie. Even in the first one, he's egging them on as they trash his bar beating up Russian thugs.
  • Verbal Tic: FUCK! ASS! Justified in that he has Tourette's.
  • Hollywood Tourette's: Averted. While Doc does display coprolalia (foul language), he also has the stuttering and motor tics most Real Life Tourette's sufferers have.

David Della Rocco

  • As Himself: David Della Rocco.
  • Butt Monkey: Both from his fellow mob dudes, who call him "funny man" and make him tell racist jokes, and from the MacManus brothers, who mess with him every so often and put him on "bitch detail" during their jobs. But in contrast to the mafia's decision to just get rid of him, Connor and Murphy go ballistic when Yakavetta murders him.
  • Back for the Finale
  • Killed Off for Real
  • Pants-Positive Safety



Giuseppi "Papa Joe" Yakavetta

The Roman

Ottilio Panza

  • The Napoleon: His terminal case of short-man's disease ends up leaving plenty of evidence for the police that otherwise wouldn't have been there. Bloom even calls him Napoleon.
  • Psycho for Hire: Is a direct reason as to why he was hired. Concezio knew that if he asked anyone else, they wouldn't do it.

Concezio Yakavetta

  • 0% Approval Rating: Not even his underbosses care much for him.
  • Bad Boss: He breaks the jaw of one of his subordinates just because he corrected his pronunciation of a word.
  • Dawson Casting: A rather bizarre example in that Judd Nelson is actually a year and a half older than Carlo Rota, who played Papa Joe.
  • Large Ham: Guess it runs in the family.
  • Malaproper: God help you, if you correct him.
  • Unwitting Pawn: He religiously followed the orders of the Roman, completely unaware that Louie was actually trying to bring the Saints and their father back so they could eliminate the Yakevetta family in revenge for casting him out.
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