The Blonde Marvel
The Blonde Marvel follows the heroic adventures of Angela Zaftig, the well-endowed guardian of Municipal City. When not fighting crime, Angela lives with her husband, Harold Braun, and their two children, 13-year-old Nicholas and 17-year-old Cassandra. Another son, Adam, is deceased.
Angela received her costume and ring from Commander Marvel, the original defender of Municipal City who left when a crime wave arose in New York. After failing to dissuade Angela from becoming a superhero, the commander decided to help her to the best of his ability.
Quoting from the creator's blog:
- The Blonde Marvel is a rookie crimefighter in the fictional Municipal City (at least we think it's fictional). She began fighting crime about two years ago after gaining her unusual powers.
- She's 38 years old, is a natural blonde, and weighs a bit more than Jessica Simpson.
- She runs a small clothing store at the Emporium Cavalcade Mall. Zaftig's specializes in clothing for bigger and curvier women. [The webcomic's creator] originally intended for her to be a journalist but you know that's a bit of a cliché. And lazy.
- Her husband, Harold Braun, is a sports department manager at All-Mart.
- The ring she wears on her right hand causes her uniform to materialize (it is not the source of her power). The clothing she wears before the ring is activated disintegrates into atoms.
- Angela doesn't have to wear a mask. Her uniform generates a harmless hypnotic signal that causes people to "dis-remember"\x9D what she looks like when she is the Blonde Marvel.
- Angela's powers are biological, not derived from a suit or a ring.
Warning: The blog entries on the site tend to be sexually explicit, more so than the comic itself.
Tropes used in The Blonde Marvel include:
- Action Mom
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: In the storyline "Gigantic!", begun in August 2011, Angela meets a nude male giant with brown skin and green hair. Then Angela herself becomes a nude giant.
- Big Beautiful Woman: Lampshaded and invoked many, many times over.
- Cat Fight: Deliciously kinky ones.
- Combat Stilettos
- Doomed New Clothes: Whenever Angela uses her ring, the clothes she was wearing are destroyed.
- Mr. Fanservice: Harold is said to be this, as is Commander Marvel.
- Evil Redhead: Madame de Sade in "Night Patrol".
- Fan Service: And lots of it. Sometimes it tends to become disturbingly graphic.
- Gag Boobs
- Hair of Gold
- Hot Mom
- Killer Robot: Colosso in "The Edison Park Incident".
- Marshmallow Hell: Used both traditionally and as an attack.
- Meaningful Name: Three guesses as to the meaning of the word "zaftig".
- Most Common Superpower
- Ms. Fanservice
- The Nudifier: Angela's ring became this after she first acquired it and activated it too hastily. Knute Knudsen's growth ray had the same effect on Angela's costume.
- Retraux: The 11-page story "The Thing That Came" is done in the style of a comic book published in 1955.
- Shared Universe: With the rest of the Heroes Unite.
- Smoking Is Cool: To the point of inducing Breast Expansion.
- Yiddish as a Second Language: Guess what language "zaftig" comes from.
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