< The Black Fleet Crisis
The Black Fleet Crisis/YMMV
- Complete Monster: Nil Spaar.
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: Anyone who tries to read the series now knows that Luke's mother is dead, and thus his entire quest is completely for nothing.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: The Yevetha, with their intense xenophobia and love of pain and bloody deaths, have their similarities to the Yuuzhan Vong.
- Of course, later the Yuuzhan Vong exterminate them in an unseen invasion.
- Moral Event Horizon: Tarkin just keeps getting worse and worse.
- Also, almost every single thing the Yevetha do.
- Squick: Sex droids, but for Michael P. Kube-McDowell, it's expected.
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Weird inversion, as a lot of fans think this series would be one of the best in the EU if it had just left out the Luke subplot and Lando chasing that useless Qella ship.
- The Lando plot is the great divider. Practically everyone loves the Leia/Han plot and practically everyone hates the Luke plot. Meanwhile, half the fandom hates the Lando plot for being so irrelevant and barely touching the other two plots, and the other half loves it for being a throwback to the Lando trilogy of the 80's that largely featured him exploring strange ruins and lost cultures.
- What an Idiot!: Nil Spaar is able to portray Leia as an aggressor and even has sympathizers in the New Republic senate trying to force her resignation. In spite of this, he manages to screw it up when he kidnaps and tortures Han Solo (who was sent to investigate him) and sends Leia a film of it, which she shows to the senate and completely destroys support for the Yevetha.
- Senator Peramis comes from a world that suffered greatly under the Empire and thinks the New Republic is slowly becoming the Empire's equivalent by arming itself. His blind adherence to keeping the New Republic lightly armed and out of any conflict leads him to being manipulated by Nil Spaar into blocking Leia's every attempt to put a stop to the Yevethan-led genocidal war. When his opinion ends up being ignored, he crosses the line by actively aiding in the aforementioned kidnapping of Han Solo (to stop Solo from taking command of the fleet sent to stop the Yevetha).
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