The Billy Goat Caller
An internet short film by Dom Fera of The Lazer Collection fame.
Travis Turner has been getting some weird calls lately. A mysterious man with a strange, high pitched voice is repeatedly calling him, saying nothing but "Billy goat" and other such random phrases. This gradually begins to drive Travis crazy, even interfering with his love life.
Tropes used in The Billy Goat Caller include:
- Big Bad: Billy Goat, who is revealed to be Todd.
- Calling Your Attacks:
Billy Goat: And now I'm over here, and I punch you in the face. *Teleport* And now I'm over here and UPPERCUT!
- Frothy Mugs of Water: Travis gets drunk on Juicy Juice.
- Large Ham: Billy Goat.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Parodied.
Billy Goat: Please, call me father.
Travis: ...Dad?
Billy Goat: No, just kidding!
- Teleport Spam: Billy Goat.
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