The Best Night Ever
The Best Night Ever is one of Capn_Chryssalid's My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fanfiction.
Summary: Prince Blueblood thought the Grand Galloping Gala was over. He thought he could just go to sleep and put it behind him. He never expected to be reliving the same disaster of a day, over and over... and over.
Has a sequel, This Platinum Crown.
Tropes used in The Best Night Ever include:
- Bedmate Reveal: Blueblood waking up next to Rarity demonstrates that the time loop is finally over.
- Be Yourself: In order to finally escape the time loop, Prince Blueblood must arrange for everyone to enjoy themselves at the Gala without violating their central character traits or causing a disaster.
- Character Development: Blueblood in spades. He transitions from an Upper Class Twit with Jerkass tendencies to an actually likeable pony.
- Corrupt Bureaucrat: A surveyor working for Blueblood shifted the borders of the Everfree Forest into Apple family land so that a larger company could deforest some of it to gain property for free.
- Courtly Love: What Rarity expects and eventually gets. It is implied that it shifts into a different kind of love after the fic ends.
- Dancin' in the Ruins: In one of Blueblood's suicide attempts, he burns down Canterlot with a magical fire fueled by his death. As the flames surround him, he is clearly enjoying the event. And then the loop hits again...
- Fantastic Nuke: The spell he used is described as this.
- Deadly Decadent Court: Canterlot politics are implied to be like this.
- Despair Event Horizon: As with the movie, after Blueblood discovers he can't kill himself to get out of the loop, no matter how thorough. Unlike the movie, he has a second, Played for Drama one later on when he makes the Gala perfect for everypony...except himself, meaning the loop repeats. He seriously considers making a Deal with Discord after that.
- Driven to Suicide: Blueblood. Killing himself only makes the loop start over quicker, though.
- Dynamic Character: Blueblood.
- Ear Worm: In-universe, the real-life song Equestria Girls. Its Bueblood's alarm clock tune and signals the start of a new loop. He occasionally hums it.
- Fix Fic: The Best Night Ever is essentially this for Prince Blueblood's characterization.
- Get Back to the Future: Blublood's main goal is to get out of the time loop.
- Groundhog Day Loop: What Prince Blueblood is dealing with.
- Heel Face Turn: If you would call Jerkassishness an evil trait, then this fic is a gradual one for Blueblood.
- Hidden Depths: Blueblood can be suave and sophisticated when he wants to be.
- The High Queen: Princess Luna and Princess Celestia.
- Idle Rich: Blueblood at first. He had a job, he just didn't do it.
- It Amused Me: Blueblood's reason for his treatment of Rarity at the original Gala (and many of the repeats).
- Jerkass: Blueblood's early behavior towards Rarity certainly falls into this category.
- Kick the Dog: Blueblood initial treatment of Rarity. He crushed her expectations For the Lulz.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Rarity expects Blueblood to be one.
- Laughing Mad: Manifests itself when Blueblood is driven to suicide. Also a comedic example when Blueblood wakes up in one loop after learning about all the different kinds of apple deserts from Applejack. This leads to him smashing his alarm clock and making his way down stairs, cackling maniacally as he goes to the kitchens to apparently learn how to prepare them.
- Mundane Utility: Blueblood learns how to teleport. He uses it for things like catching a falling vase.
- Name's the Same: This fanfiction has the same title as the season 1's season finale.
- Not Bad: Whitemane, Blueblood's teleportation teacher, is like this.
- Not Himself: Ponies who knew Bluebood before the loop started, such as Princess Celestia, are startled by his sudden (to them) change in character.
- Pity the Kidnapper: The guard Blueblood assigns to monitor a seemingly random area soon stumbles upon Trixie being harassed by some Diamond Dogs... or was it some Diamond Dogs being harassed by Trixie?
- Prince Charmless: in the beginning, Prince Blueblood is very firmly in this territory. He improves.
- Prince Charming: What Rarity expects Blueblood to be. By the end of the fic, he has become this to a degree.
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: This fic aims to do this for Prince Blueblood, who is just about the only character in the fandom to be almost universally despised.
- Ring Ring CRUNCH: Blueblood's alarm clock gets this in most loops.
- Rounded Character: Blueblood, by the end.
- Royal Brat: Blueblood, at first.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Celestia and Luna. By the end, Blueblood has started actually doing his job as well.
- Teleporters and Transporters: Blueblood learns how to magically teleport himself.
- Teleportation Sickness: A common side effect when unicorns are learning to teleport.
- The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask: Princes Celestia and Princess Luna have shades of this.
- Took a Level in Badass: Blueblood learns how to teleport.
- Took a Level In Kindness: Blueblood.
- Upper Class Twit: Blueblood, at first. The majority of the fic has him growing out of this.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: Theoreically, should Blueblood desire to do so, he could stay, eternally youthful, within the Groundhog Day Loop forever. He instead tries his hardest to get out. After hundreds of repeats, he eventually does.
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