< The Bartimaeus Trilogy

The Bartimaeus Trilogy/Funny

  • The footnotes.
  • Jabor bumping his head on the doorway while chasing Bartimaeus and Nathaniel.
  • Duvall's death. After being arrested, he kills his guards as a werewolf and leaps out the window. So he escaped? Nope, they were five floors up.
  • Maybe it's just me, but the mental image of a djinn taking the form of a footstool is sporfle-tastic.
    • There's also the fact that it turned out to be a real footstool...

Bartimaeus: (talking about Honorius, an insane rogue afrit) He's not going to be the only mad one if we set this lot loose. Look at that djinn over there. Took the form of a footstool. You know, it's weird, but I think I like his style...
Nathaniel: That is a footstool, Bartimaeus. Nobody is using that pentacle.

  • Hell, Bartimaeus is pretty much a walking, talking Crowning Moment of Funny himself. There's usually at least one in each of his chapters, especially in the footnotes. A good example is him unknowingly using the Rosetta Stone to bludgeon a golem.
    • even more funny if you know that a ptolemy wrote the stone anyway. a relative of bart's ptolemy.
  • Bartimaeus beating up two people... as a field mouse. Made funnier by the fact we don't get to see exactly how he did it.
    • This gets something of a Call Forward in the prequel, where Tybalt beats up Gezeri as a green-eyed white mouse, but how he did so isn't shown.
  • The aftermath of Solomon trying to use the serpent statue on Khaba, and immediately going for the anti-theft mechanisms.
  • The conversation Nathaniel and Bartimaeus have after Nathaniel is knocked out by trying (and failing) to activate Gladstone's Staff.

Bartimaeus: The magical energies have been gradually ebbing through your system. Your skin's been steaming and the end of each hair's been glowing at the tip. A remarkable sight. Your aura's gone haywire, too. Well, it's a delicate process, ridding yourself of a charge like that. I wanted to wake you straightaway, but I knew I had to wait several hours to ensure you were safely recovered.
Nathaniel: What?! How long has it been?
Bsrtimaeus: Five minutes. I got bored.

  • Why is there no love for Nathaniel not realizing he was being held back from Gladstone's staff by a "push" door?
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