The Avengers (TV series)

"Always keep your bowler on in times of stress, and a watchful eye open for diabolical masterminds."
Very popular British Spy Drama running from 1961-1969, created by Sydney Newman. A total of 161 episodes in six seasons. The show singlehandedly started the Spy Catsuit and Action Girl tropes.
Its most famous male-female partnership, between 1965 and 1968, was Patrick Macnee (who would later appear in a Bond film) and Diana Rigg (who would later appear in a Bond film).
In earlier seasons (1962-1964), the female co-star was Honor Blackman (who would later appear in a Bond film).
The series was originally created as a vehicle for Ian Hendry (who would not later appear in a Bond film), to capitalise on the popularity he had developed during his previous show, Police Surgeon. In the Pilot, his character, Dr. Keel, was recruited by spy John Steed (Macnee) as a part-time expert assistant in return for Steed's help capturing the murderers of Keel's wife; this was pretty much the last time in the series any actual avenging took place. This first series was generally a grim-and-gritty crime affair, centering around drug smugglers, arms dealers and endless cases involving stolen diamonds.
A TV strike delayed the start of the second season so Hendry left to pursue a film career. Steed became the show's central character and the production team started to explore other partnerships. The first, lasting just a few episodes, was Dr. King, a blatant Suspiciously Similar Substitute. He was followed up by stories that alternately paired Steed up with nightclub singer Venus Smith (The Chick) and female spy Cathy Gale (arguably TV's first true Action Girl). Cathy, who was mostly written identically to Dr Keel, proved to be the most popular and Venus was quietly dropped.
This retooling of the show became a massive smash. With a consistent Spy Couple format, the show began to move away from more mundane villains and towards science fictional supervillains and diabolical masterminds.
Blackman left to pursue a film career (playing Pussy Galore in Goldfinger[1]) and was replaced by Diana Rigg as Emma Peel, described as a "talented amateur". Simultaneously, production switched from videotape to 35mm film. The show became much more stylish and faster-paced and even gained a new theme tune, although it wasn't until the next season that it was produced in colour. Mrs Peel - whose husband didn't make an appearance until her final episode - set the trend of the Spy Catsuit and continued the gentleman spy/Action Girl setup. Steed and Mrs Peel became the show's iconic pairing, helped by the introduction of filmed and colour episodes raising the show in the public's consciousness.
The stories became crazier and crazier - Space plants from the moon! Assassination by laser! Invisible spies! Housecats trained to kill! Politicians hypnotised into becoming children! - and typified the swinging cool of 1960s Britain.
Eventually Rigg left Steed for the embrace of George Lazenby's doomed James Bond, and Steed took on his last partner, Tara King. Tara (played by Linda Thorson, who also has not appeared in a Bond film) was a more feminine character, though still an Action Girl, but the series never survived the loss of Rigg, massive problems behind the scenes and being put up in America against Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In; the series finished after just one season with Tara King.
A Revival was attempted in 1976, with The New Avengers, starring Macnee and Joanna Lumley (better known for Absolutely Fabulous, but had earlier appeared in a Bond film). Oh, and the guy off the Nescafe adverts. But the new, gritty tone -- matching shows like The Sweeney and The Professionals -- was too much of a departure and it soon collapsed. This series lasted from October, 1976 to December, 1977. A total of 26 episodes in two seasons.
It was later made into a movie starring Uma Thurman and Ralph Fiennes (who afterwards appeared in a Bond film), whose only redeeming quality was Sean Connery (who had appeared in many Bond films) hamming it up as an evil Scotsman. For more on this film, see The Avengers (1998 film).
Not to be confused with the comic or the Marvel Cinematic Universe film adaptation.
Character tropes include:
- Action Girl (Cathy Gale, Emma Peel, Tara King, and Purdey in the revival)
- Actor Allusion (In one episode, Cathy Gale sends Steed and Peel a postcard from Fort Knox.
- Almost-Dead Guy (countless episodes)
- Anonymous Ringer (The Prime Minister in "A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Station")
- Ax Crazy ("Escape in Time", "The Joker", "Don't Look Behind You")
- Bad Boss ("A Touch of Brimstone")
- Bench Breaker: At one point, Mrs. Peel gets handcuffed to a wooden chair. When the time comes, she swiftly breaks the chair and beats up the baddies with the sticks. At the end of the episode, as they stroll off across a golf course, Steed asks her what her handicap is. She shows him the chunk of wood still cuffed to one of her wrists.
- Big Bad (the puppeteer in "Look (Stop Me If You've Heard This One) But There Were These Two Fellas")
- Biker Babe (Cathy Gale)
- Boxed Crook (many episodes)
- Bungling Inventor (Quilby in "The See-Through Man")
- The Chick (Venus Smith)
- Combat Pragmatist (Steed; a producer's write-up to guide writers of episodes specifically stated that "he fights like a cad and uses every dirty trick in the book...")
- Corrupt Corporate Executive ("The Fear Merchants", "Silent Dust")
- Damsel in Distress: Tara often gets chloroformed or clubbed and kidnapped.
- Diabolical Mastermind
- Doomed Appointment (Countless)
- Double Agent (Merlin - actually a quadruple agent - in "The Morning After")
- Film Felons ("Epic")
- Funny Foreigner (A few, most notably the Russian diplomat in "Fog")
- Heel Face Mole ("The Correct Way To Kill")
- Hot Scientist ("The Man-Eater of Surrey Green", not to mention Mrs. Peel all the time)
- Implacable Man (The Cybernauts in "The Cybernauts", "Return of the Cybernauts" and "The Last of the Cybernauts...?")
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain (Brodny in "The See-Through Man" and "Two's A Crowd")
- Last-Name Basis
- Large Ham (Mother)
- Loony Fan ("Epic", "The Joker", "Don't Look Behind You")
- Mad Scientist (countless episodes)
- Meaningful Name (When charged with coming up with a new character, the writers were told to create one with 'Male Appeal', abbreviated as 'M. Appeal')
- The Mole (many episodes)
- Mooks (countless episodes)
- The Napoleon ("Escape in Time")
- Old Friend (countless, generally doomed)
- Part-Time Hero (Tara King was the first of Steed's associates to be a professional agent like him; all those that came before were "talented amateurs" who maintained their own careers between outings with Steed. The having-to-balance-heroing-with-real-life side of the trope rarely came up with any of them, though.)
- Emma Peel is shown pursuing numerous hobbies that suggest she is rather lonely since the disappearance of her husband. No wonder she always looks happy to be solving mysteries with Steed.
- Plant Aliens ("The Man-Eater of Surrey Green")
- Platonic Life Partners: Steed and Mrs. Peel
- Steed and Mrs. King
- Quintessential British Gentleman: Steed, naturally
- Quirky Miniboss Squad (the clowns in "Look (Stop Me If You've Heard This One) But There Were These Two Fellas")
- Red Scare ("The Correct Way to Kill")
- Right-Wing Militia Fanatic ("The Mauritius Penny", "The Eagle's Nest")
- Serial Killer ("Fog", "Game")
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute (Dr King)
- The Voiceless (Mother's bodyguard, Rhonda)
- The Stoic (Steed, Mrs Peel and sometimes Tara King generally treat horrible murder with barely a flicker of emotion)
- Technical Pacifist (Steed)
- Terrorists Without a Cause (countless episodes)
- The Vicar (numerous episodes)
Plot tropes include:
- Alone with the Psycho ("The Joker")
- Amnesia Danger ("The Forget-Me-Knot")
- Animal Assassin ("The Hidden Tiger")
- Aristocrats Are Evil ("Hellfire Club")
- Brainwashed ("The Hour That Never Was", "Pandora")
- Busman's Holiday ("A Chorus of Frogs")
- The Butler Did It ("What the Butler Saw")
- Class Reunion ("The Hour That Never Was")
- Clear My Name ("All Done With Mirrors", "Who Was That Man I Saw You With?")
- Dead All Along (Professor Keller in "The House That Jack Built")
- Deadly Prank ("Hellfire Club", "Game")
- Doppelganger (any way you can think of -- Magic Plastic Surgery, Latex Perfection, Identical Stranger, Freaky Friday Flip -- The Avengers did it at least once)
- Enemy Mine ("The Morning After")
- Enemy Without (In an episode where a man's brainwaves are projected into a series of hapless British spies.)
- Fauxtastic Voyage ("Escape In Time", "Pandora")
- Finger-Poke of Doom ("The Positive Negative Man")
- Freaky Friday Flip (""Who's Who???")
- Groundhog Day Loop (Kind of, in "You Have Just Been Murdered")
- Hunting the Most Dangerous Game ("The Superlative Seven")
- Hypno Fool ("The Master Minds")
- Incredible Shrinking Man ("Mission... Highly Improbable")
- Invisible Main Character (Kind of, in "The See-Through Man". Definitely in "Get-A-Way!")
- Kill and Replace (kind of, in "Quick-Quick Slow Death")
- Killer Robot ("The Cybernauts", "Return of the Cybernauts")
- Knife-Throwing Act ("Conspiracy of Silence")
- Man-Eating Plant ("Man-Eater of Surrey Green")
- The Nasty Party ("The Superlative Seven")
- Ontological Mystery ("The House That Jack Built")
- Snuff Film ("Epic")
- Ten Little Murder Victims ("The Superlative Seven")
- Thanatos Gambit ("The House That Jack Built")
- Town with a Dark Secret ("Murdersville")
- Treasure Map ("Dead Man's Chest")
- Your Worst Nightmare ("Too Many Christmas Trees", "Death's Door")
Other tropes that appeared on the show include:
- Absentee Actor (usually the female lead)
- Acquitted Too Late
- Actor Allusion ("Too Many Christmas Trees")
- Acting for Two (various Doppelganger stories)
- And You Were There (Mrs Peel's husband was uncannily similar to Steed)
- Auction of Evil ("The Girl from Auntie")
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Bound and Gagged/Damsel in Distress (happens fairly often to the female lead, considering the time period)
- Bloodless Carnage
- Catch Phrase ("Mrs Peel - we're needed!")
- Cat Fight ("The Living Dead")
- Chekhov's Wardrobe (Mrs. Peel's amazing ability to always wear a catsuit if she would be involved in a fight later).
- Clip Show ("Homicide and Old Lace")
- Chained to a Railway ("The Gravediggers")
- Chameleon Camouflage: One episode had a villain escape prison and attempt to murder John Steed with such a gimmick.
- Comic Book Adaptation: In 1968, Gold Key Comics published a one-shot comic book based on the series. However due to the fact Marvel Comics owned the name The Avengers in comics, the adaptation was titled John Steed Emma Peel. In 1990-1991 Eclipse Comics published a 3-issue comic book mini-series, but ran into the same problem so it was titled Steed and Mrs. Peel. An Avengers comic strip also ran in one of the UK weekly comic magazines, but there were no problems using the original title over there. Boom Studios released a reprint of the Eclipse series followed by 12 new issues, in 2012-2013.
- Continuity Nod (Cathy Gale sends a Christmas card in "Too Many Christmas Trees" from Fort Knox)
- Completely Different Title (In France, the show was titled Chapeau Melon et Bottes de Cuir (Bowler Hat and Leather Boots))
- The German title translated as "With Umbrella, Charm and Bowler". That hat must REALLY have made an impression.
- Well, it's a Nice Hat.
- The German title translated as "With Umbrella, Charm and Bowler". That hat must REALLY have made an impression.
- Conveyor Belt O' Doom ("Epic")
- Cool Car (Emma's Lotus Elan)
- Elaborate Underground Base ("The Living Dead")
- Evil Clowns ("Look (Stop Me if You've Heard This One) But There Were These Two Fellas...")
- Facing the Bullets One-Liner ("The Living Dead")
- Fake-Out Make-Out (Steed and Mrs. Peel in "Escape in Time")
- Falling Chandelier of Doom ("Death's Door")
- Fan Service (Ms. Peel in "The Man from Auntie")
- Foot Focus
- Hammer and Sickle Removed For Your Protection
- Hell-Bent for Leather
- Hey, It's That Guy! (the show is a goldmine for this kind of thing)
- Instrument of Murder (One enemy agent in had a clarinet with a blade that would slide out of the bell when the right key was pressed)
- It Must Be Mine ("The Man from Auntie")
- Jumped At the Call (Both Steed and Mrs Peel clearly enjoy their adventures, even though it occasionally means killing lots of people.)
- Limited Wardrobe (Steed)
- Lost Episode All but two-and-a-half episodes of the first season. Videotape was expensive in the early 60's and was routinely reused. One act of the first episode can be found on You Tube.
- Milkman Conspiracy (Many episodes, and a literal one in "False Witness")
- Missing Episode (most of the first season)
- The episode "A Touch of Brimstone" was initially banned in the US (has since been released on video/DVD)
- Most Writers Are Male: In this case, all the writers - which explains a lot about Mrs. Peel in particular.
- Musical Pastiche (in "The Winged Avenger")
- Never Found the Body (Mrs. Peel's husband Peter; a pilot found to be alive in the Amazonian jungle years after a plane crash, which signals Mrs. Peel's exit from the series)
- Nice Hat (Steed and his bowlers, complete with a steel plate in the crown for clonking people on the head with.)
- No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup
- Nothing Is Scarier ("Don't Look Behind You")
- Of Corsets Sexy ("A Touch of Brimstone")
- Oh, Cisco
- Old Hero, New Pals: Of course, Steed sticks around, but his partner changes during the original series.
- Opening Narration (The American screenings of the Emma Peel episodes)
- Parasol of Pain (Steed's umbrella)
- Parent Service (Emma Peel)
- Pretty in Mink (Emma Peel)
- Pressure Point (Emma Peel in "The Living Dead")
- Put on a Bus (Tara King in two episodes)
- Replaced the Theme Tune: It originally had a theme tune by Johnny Dankworth. It also underwent a complete makeover when production was switched from videotape to film, simultaneous with Diana Rigg's arrival, resulting in the more familiar Laurie Johnson theme.
- Retool (the show changed dramatically with the introduction of Cathy Gale.)
- Revision (Mother)
- She Fu
- Shout-Out (In one episode a plot to destroy a train is summed up as such: "Pop goes the diesel?"
- Shrug of God (Steed and Mrs Peel -- are they or aren't they? Since they would never have been permitted to address the question explicitly on-screen, it was deliberately left ambiguous. An interviewer once asked Macnee, Rigg, and the series' head writer what was really going on with Steed and Mrs Peel, and got three different and mutually-exclusive answers.)
- Spy Catsuit (the original, in fact, and the origin of the trope.)
- Spy Couple
- Spy Drama
- Spy Fiction
- Sword Cane (Steed had a sword concealed in his umbrella)
- The Tag (humorous variety)
- Turned Against Their Masters ("The Cybernauts")
- We Help the Helpless (The Avengers' scope of action varies from episode to episode -- sometimes it's impossible or unusual crimes, sometimes it's purely spy-based, sometimes it's breaking smuggling rings.)
- Weaponized Headgear (Steed's steel-lined bowler)
- Will They or Won't They? (There was a palpable sexual chemisty between Steed and Mrs Peel. And between Steed and Mrs. Gale. And between Steed and Miss King. And between Steed and Purdey.)
- Whole-Plot Reference ("Dead Man's Chest" is basically It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World; "The Superlative Seven" is a riff on The Most Dangerous Game)
- You Got Murder
- You Look Familiar
- Bad Habits ("The Eagle's Nest")
- Lockdown ("Complex")
- Revival
- Rodents of Unusual Size ("Gnaws")
- Shooting Gallery ("Target!")
- Stupid Jetpack Hitler ("The Eagle's Nest")
- ↑ Which is a Bond film