The Avengers: United They Stand

The Avengers: United They Stand was an Animated Series from The Nineties starring Marvel Comics' superhero team, The Avengers. Unfortunately, due to plans for live action movies, Captain America (comics), Iron Man and Thor couldn't be used as full members; Thor only appeared in the opening credits, and Cap and Iron Man made single-episode guest appearances. Leaving Ant-Man as the the leader of the Avengers. The rest of the roster included The Wasp, The Vision, Scarlet Witch, The Falcon, Hawkeye, Tigra, and Wonder Man.
Marvel briefly published a comic book tie-in. Written by Ty Templeton, he managed to make the best of the odd character designs and even managed to tell some accessible, fun, classic Avengers stories. He even managed to perfectly update Even an Android Can Cry -and- work in a guest appearance by Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy.
This series began airing in 1999 but was canceled after 13 episodes.
- Action Girl
- A Father to His Men - Ant-Man
- Always Someone Better - Ant-Man feels this towards Captain America in his guest episode.
- Badass Normal - Hawkeye.
- Battle Couple - Ant-Man & Wasp, Wonder Man & Scarlet Witch
- Cats Hate Water - More specifically, Tigra does.
- Da Chief - Mr. Sikorski
- Demoted to Extra - The Avengers "Big Three" (Captain America (comics), Iron Man and Thor).
- Happily Married - Ant-Man & Wasp
- Invocation - The Scarlet Witch: "Winds of Destiny, Change!"
- Robot Buddy - Vision
- Sacrificial Lamb - Wonder Man, who's very quickly put into a coma while setting up the Vision's origin.
- Say My Name: "HENRY!" said by Wasp whenever she or Ant-Man are in peril.
- Team Mom - Wasp
- Transformation Sequence - Ant-Man, Wasp, Hawkeye and Falcon's snap-on armour.
- What the Hell, Hero? - Several. Hawkeye in the first episode for leaving his post and the president getting hurt. Later Ant Man for seemingly giving in to the demands of the Monster of the Week who took Wasp hostage. Though in that case it was a Xanatos Gambit which worked, so everybody was cool with it.
- Winds of Destiny Change - The Scarlet Witch. Trope Namer.
- Xanatos Gambit - See What the Hell, Hero? above. When asked, what if it didn't work, Ant-Man replied "You know, that never even crossed my mind."