< The Ark of Truth

The Ark of Truth/YMMV

  • Continuity Lock Out: This was put together to be the finale, and resolve as much of the last two seasons as the writers could. So naturally this wasn't going to make sense to those who hadn't watched the last two seasons, which is why DVD of this film came with a recap of those seasons, to at least try to get people up to speed.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Morgan Lefay facing off Adria.

Adria: You are no match for my power.
Morgan Lefay: I am now.

  • Fridge Logic: Frankly, the entire plot relies on spectacularly bad strategic decisions by both sides. It's not quite an Idiot Plot, but it's about halfway there.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Marrick being basically hollowed out by the replicators.
  • Tear Jerker: Daniel, practically in tears as he begs Morgan to help them.
  • What an Idiot!: Dammit, Mitchell.

Mitchell (paraphrased): "Don't worry, guys, I killed the escaped Replicator, which had been hanging around unsupervised on our spaceship for a while! We're totally safe now! The only possible way we could be in trouble is if Replicators were somehow capable of making more of themselves! But that would be ridiculous!"

    • They all knew that the Replicator could make more of themselves, they were just hoping they could kill it before it did.
    • It was a reasonable assumption, since he had only seen/heard the one Replicator and only a couple minutes had gone by.
    • Nobody thought to bring a P90 or a sidearm when dealing with the original Replicator? Sure, you might not want to pop a hole in the ship but it's a hell of a lot better than the alternative.
  • What an Idiot!: The IOA have to be the dumbest group of people in the long sad history of dumb people. Replicators, seriously!!!

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