< The Aquabats! Super Show!

The Aquabats! Super Show!/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: They're making an episode featuring The Flying Eyeball of Death, which was the villain mentioned in one of their albums.
  • Crazy Awesome
  • Ear Worm: Ohhh, burger rain, burger rain..."
    • "You're making a plan, it's called being a man, you're wingin' iiiit..."
    • Doing Science.
  • Narm Charm
  • Nightmare Fuel: The 3-headed siren in "Lady Fingers!"
    • And Scruffy Scruff, the Gloopy product featured in "Cobraman!" Despite being played up as a cuddly plush toy, it looks like a hideous half-rotted abomination straight out of The Binding of Isaac!
  • The Woobie: Pilgrim Boy
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