< The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons/YMMV

  • Ear Worm: Gin Wigmore's "Oh My", the song used in the opening credits.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Michele/Sjöfn embodies this trope, given that she's the human incarnation of a goddess of love.
  • Hollywood Homely: Played straight and somewhat exaggerated with Delphine, who has moles and a small boil on her face and wears frumpy clothes (which may well hide the fact that she's pregnant). Olivia Tennet, the actress who plays Delphine, is much more attractive in real life.
  • Memetic Mutation: "It's not a coma!" (Referring to "Coma Rob".)
  • The Woobie: Several.
    • Amongst the Johnson brothers, Ty, mainly because he always ends up being the "best friend a girl could ever have" (though he gets better for a while with Dawn).
    • Amongst the secondary characters, Dawn, Anders's assistant, who always ends up cleaning up after his literal and figurative messes. Delphine could also be considered one for being the daughter of Derrick/Thor and for breaking down into tears when Axl gets annoyed with her.
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