The Alchemist
A 1988 novel by Paulo Coelho.
Santiago is a shepherd living a peaceful, carefree life tending his flock in the fields of Andalusia until one day he comes across a strange old man who offers to tell him the secret meaning of a dream he has and gives him two mysterious stones named Urim and Thummim. Thus begins Santiago's adventure to the east...
Tropes used in The Alchemist include:
- Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder: Why Santiago goes to Africa (without realizing it) and later returns to the oasis: to be with Fatima.
- An Aesop: "Following what you truly want in your life, even if it is a lot of hard work, will ultimately make you happier than living a comfortable life dictated by what other people think that you should do."
- Arc Words: Many, especially one's Personal Legend, The Language of the Soul, and maktub (Arabic for "destiny", literally "written").
- As the Good Book Says...: The Alchemist quotes the New Testament directly. "Where your treasure is, there your heart shall be also" is a direct quote from Luke 12:34 (and Matthew 6:21). He also offers a paraphrase of the story of Joseph.
- Blithe Spirit: Santiago, pretty much wherever he goes, but especially in the crystal shop.
- Book Ends: The story begins and ends with Santiago in a church.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: A journey from Andalusia to Egypt, which takes well over a year.
- Hidden Depths: Melchizedek at first appears to be an annoying old man who asks to see Santiago's book. He's actually an angelic figure whose job it is to encourage people on their quests to find their own Personal Legends. Santiago appears to be just another shepherd, but is actually literate and quite intelligent. He was training to become a priest but left the seminary to pursue a life of adventure.
- It's the Journey That Counts: Santiago goes through the whole book just to find out that the treasure was buried right under his location from the first page. While dismayed at first, he realizes that he never would have learned a new language, seen the Pyramids, met the love of his life, or learned how to turn himself into the wind.
- It Was with You All Along: Santiago's knowledge of alchemy, which helps him transform into wind to escape from hostile Arabs, and find the treasure.
- I Will Wait for You: Fatima to Santiago, before he leaves the oasis for Egypt.
- Jumped At the Call: Santiago is eager to set out for Egypt immediately, but things don't quite turn out as planned at first...
- Knight in Sour Armor: The Englishman, who has spent years searching for the secrets of alchemy without much luck, and is very bitter about it. Luckily, the Alchemist sets him on the right track.
- Language of Love: Not what you think it is. It's that everything in the universe is connected and love renders one capable of understanding it.
- Last Girl Wins: Santiago is infatuated with a girl from the village at first, and it looks like it might go somewhere. But at the end of the book, he decides to go back to Fatima.
- Love At First Sight: Santiago and Fatima.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: The Alchemist is over 200 years old, since he has the Elixir of Life.
- Shallow Love Interest: Arguably, Fatima. But the merchant's daughter at the beginning of the book is even more shallow, seeing as Santiago doesn't know her name.
- Shown Their Work: Coelho mentions a lot of details about Islam and North Africa which he mostly gets right, as well as Christianity, classical mythology and of course alchemy.
- The Dulcinea Effect: Santiago loves a girl he met only once a year ago. What?!
- The Obi-Wan: Melchizedek, and the Alchemist, who may or may not be the same person.
- The Power of Love: Directly invoked. Santiago's "listening to his heart" allows him to finally understand the secrets of alchemy and lets him turn himself into wind.
- This Is Something He's Got to Do Himself: The Alchemist leaves Santiago on the last stage of his journey.
- Wanting Is Better Than Having: The crystal merchant and his pilgrimage to Mecca.
- What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic: The book is pretty heavy on Christian symbolism, including many Bible references, as befits Coelho's devout Catholicism.
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