The Aethion Expanded Multiverse
"A long time ago, adrift between universes... A Kanohi Olmak meets a mysterious energy force, and spawns a multiverse. Seven planets, walled off from each other by glowing unstable Bluespace. A mysterious Eighth World. Seven cultures in a unique realm, some at peace, some in strife, others at war. All of it threatened by the Olmak Effect. People randomly disappear. Copies of them appear in other universes. Objects, homes, whole areas mangled as reality itself bends and breaks. Deaths increasing. All eight worlds -- Central, with BZ-Koro and Wiki-Nui; Industrial; Tribal; Warzone; Shattered; Tyrant; Enlightened; and Enigma -- will soon be torn to shreds by the Olmak Effect. Will a solution be found in time? Can the unraveling of existence itself EVER be stopped? This is the deadly danger of entering this world. Are you brave enough? Do you have what it takes? Dare you be citizen of the Aethion Expanded Multiverse?"
The Aethion Expanded Multiverse was invented by Bionicle fansite BZ Power reference keeper bonesiii and Bionicle Wiki Biosecter 01 owner Swert in 2009 as a fan universe that anyone could set their fanfics in, and be considered "fanon" in that universe.
The three leaders of the Expanded Multiverse (Bzp reference keeper, writer, and All-around-smart guy who makes everyone else feel as if they fail at arguing bonesiii, Bionicle Wiki BS 01 owner Swert, and prominant fanfiction writer Takuta-Nui) also write a series called The Cipher Chronicles, which helpsto flesh out the story and solve some of many mysteries of the EM, such as why it's there'
The Aethion Expanded Mulitverse contains eight planets, all but three possessing a single continent and a lot of ocean, each refered to by an English name (all of which are Exactly What It Says on the Tin, so why bother linking eight times?) and a Bionicle-sounding one: Alarist, which is Bionicle sites Bzpower and Biosecter01 as continents known as Central, with the continents Wiki-Nui for BS 01, and Bz-Koro for BZP, volcanic Tanuuk also known as Tyrant (thanks to it's system of goverment), Izumal or Enlightened, home of the super-advanced Blue Blood citizens of The City and the hackers who live in the (high-tech) silver and gold plains outside of said city, Promathus, or Industrial, a vaguely Steampunk world dedicated to buiding things, Atohune, aka Tribal, yet another Single Biome Planet, this one a jungle, with all of the inhabitants being, well, tribes, Clysmax, which was actuall split into six single biome fragments after a Earthshattering Kaboom, Barrawahi (which is more or less the actual Bionicle language word for Crapsack World, or Warzone, where six clans fight over...something... and Enigma, which no one knows anything about.
These eight planets are suspended in a substance/energy/thing called Bluespace that vaporizes anything it touches, which means that getting from one to the other is only possible via Olmak Totems and Cargo stars.
Oh, and there are Negative Space Wedgies floating around teleporting people to different planets/parts of planets, turning the Laws of Logic into Somewhat-Enforced Suggestions of Logic, and killing people.
- After the End: Kyn's dimensional scryer shows him a Alternate Timeline where the Olmak Effects eat the planets, turning them into basically wiffle balls.
- Airborne Aircraft Carrier: Iron Hawk's Flying Fortress.
- All There in the Manual: The 100-page PDF guide provides a ton of backstory and inforation about characters, settings, etc. that the Cipher Chronicles only brushes on. Of coures, there's also a weapon's PDF, a BZ Power Reference topic, and freewebs wiki. It takes a while to catch up.
- Alternate Universe: The entire multiverse, plus the alternate versions of this that Kyn's 'clones' are trapped in.
- Alternative Calendar: Characters simply use "Day X of Year Y", with years being measured from 0 to the present. The story picks up at year 500.
- Exclusively Evil: Red Skull, Shadow Honor,
- Applied Phlebotinum: The Bluespace. Protodermis itself also qualifies, as if properly purified it can be manipulated into having any power you want.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: Visor has broke into Kyn's bomb range, walked through an army of demobots, and has Kyn by the throat. So Kyn stabs him with a chisel.
- Awesome McCoolname: Subverted, Bajnok's Champion title sounds cool, but is kind of awkward-sounding translated.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: Kharzanhi and Artahka against a fleet of Tyrant submarines.
- Bajnok, Atrumis, and the Shadow Honor Skrall.
- Badass Automaton: Gear
- Badass Boast: "If you refer to the 50 Toa and Glatorian army who came at me with solid Protosteel weapons and a fully armored Kane-Ra, yeah I took care of them."
- Badass Normal: Mik, Kyn, basically anyone with out powers.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Bajnok can show this, Depending on the Writer.
- Boom. Maskshot.: Weapon Science's slogan.
- Breakout Character: Avsa-Ka was originally just a Contest Winner Cameo, but turned out to be the main antagonist of episode 4 and a Magnificent Bastard to boot.
- Building Is Welding: Zuruk "discovered" Enigma tech that allows you to weld with sound.
- The Cameo: By Vezon
- Chekhov's Gun: Zashrau's mask (reffered to as such by Takuta-Nui)
- The Chessmaster: Avsa-Ka
- Contest Winner Cameo: Many, as the concept is based on BZ Power user input.
- Convection, Schmonvection: Justified, the Tyrant's Glowsteel is super-heatproof.
- However, Limpets surviving and slaves using lava/molten metal is pretty much a case of Bionicle physics being different from real life.
- Cool Airship/ Cool Spaceship/ Cool Plane: Lake Aerospace builds them, Clysmax pilots fly them.
- Iron Hawk tries to invoke this with the junk they buy off Ice.
- Death Is Cheap: But only if you're wearing a mask of undeath, otherwise you stay dead.
- DisintegratorStaff: Bajnok's Staff.
- Enemy Mine: Team Cipher is willing to work with Tyrants or evil clans to stop the Olmak effect.
- Especially with Bajnok, who must work with Shadow Honor.
- Evil Versus Evil: All six Barrawahi tribes want to kill each other. Only one is fully good.
- Evil Overlord: King Taa
- The Faceless: Also King Taa, as well as Revolution.
- Fantasy Gun Control: More averted than in Bionicle, but still plenty of Abnormal Ammo.
- Fire-Forged Friends: Bajnok and Khiri after escaping Tanuuk.
- Five-Man Band: As there are eight members of Team Cipher, most of the roles are taken twice
- Hero: Kyn
- Lancer: Zuruk/M'kongli
- The Big Guy / Token Evil Teammate: Bajnok
- The Smart Guy: Artahka/Karzanhi
- The Chick: Khiri, maybe Hanashi
- Forever War: Barrawahi
- Gambit Pileup: At the end of Cold Truth, you were pretty confused as to who was planning what.
- Good Is Not Nice: The Cipher chronicles member from Barrawahi, Bajnok is the champion of The Red Skull Clan.
- Later, he kills a random Shadow Honor warrior (Team Cipher were working with them at the time) just to prove to Rockfoot that he was had not given up his Clan Honor for Red Skull.
- Grey Goo: Averted with Izumal, they have perfect control of their nanites (good thing, too, because nanites have pretty much every Bionicle and EM-specific power.
- Hacker Cave: The hackers on Izumal live in macrochip house covered in computer equipment.
- Helmets Are Hardly Heroic: Averted as in regular Bionicle
- Hollywood Acid: An element.
- Implacable Man: Visor pulls one to steal a chisel from Kyn
- Just Before the End: If the Olmak Effect is not stopped soon...
- La RĂ©sistance: Among the slaves on Tanuuk. Previously called Broken Limpet, it no longer has a name to prevent the Tyrants from discovering them.
- Regno di Baradona against Izumal
- Lethal Lava Land: Tanuuk.
- Lightning Bruiser: Atrumis
- The Mafia: The Alarist Underground.
- Magma Man: Tyrants with the Igatatu power. Tyrants mutated into Cyclops have lava-based powers. Magma is also a Toa element.
- Manipulative Bastard: If the Presence turns out to be not so benign, he could end up as this. Also, Turaga Xata comes to mind.
- Mask of Power: This is Bionicle after all.
- Meaningful Name: Avsa-Ka means hunger-spirit or spirit eater in Matoran.
- Military Maverick: Brethren has almost literally no real leaders.
- Nakama: Brethren again.
- Nanite Towers and Suites: Izumal
- Not So Different: When Bajnok threatens to murder Toropuku, Kyn acts shocked and yells at Bajnok. Later, Kyn tells him that it was only because he could have ordered his army of demolition robots to kill him much more effectively and didn't want to tip Toropuku off.
- Of course, he could have been lying...
- No Hugging, No Kissing: In the Cipher Chronicles, but in anything else, anything goes if it follows the BZ Power guidelines.
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: Izumal's goverment.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Bajnok to Zashrau (and presumably vice versa) Until Avasa Ka apparently kills him.
- Reed Richards Is Useless: While Clysmax isn't that advanced, it does have some better technolgy than the rest of the EM (barring Izumal).
- Justified for Izumal: They don't consider anyone else enlightened enough to handle their technology.
- Reality Warper: Reality shifts causes postmodern views on morality etc. to apply to actual events, objects, etc.
- While Bonesiii's philosophy is Truthseeking; that is, discovering what is true and sticking to it, Reality Shifting provides a way of Hand Waving the various plot holes that the many BZ Power users are bound to create.
- Takuta Nui loves it though.
- While Bonesiii's philosophy is Truthseeking; that is, discovering what is true and sticking to it, Reality Shifting provides a way of Hand Waving the various plot holes that the many BZ Power users are bound to create.
- Religion of Evil: Most outsiders would consider the Shadow Heart this
- Serial Killer:Avsa-Ka
- Single Biome Planet: As mentioned above, most of them.
- Sure Why Not: A lot of minor details (other elements, combo elements, masks) were suggested in the BZ Power discussion topic and approved by Bonesiii.
- Title Drop: In the quote at the top, from the first guide, and generally Once an Episode.
- Took a Level in Badass: Merx
- Translation Convention
- The Un-Reveal: "V" was just an android, not the real Revolution.
- 24-Hour Armor: Justified, as even the the Glatorian and Agoir are
cyborgsbiomechanical beings. - Up to Eleven: Just about everything in Bionicle is taken up several notches.
- Used Future: Kind of literally; Iron Hawk builds it's airfleets with old, broken, and cast-off airships and planes they buy from Ko-Clysmax.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Toropuku.
- The Wiki Rule: A freewebs version.
- Year Zero: The Creation of the Multiverse.