The Adventures of Yeloh Kaiba
The Adventures of Yeloh Kaiba is a Troll Fic in the Yu-Gi-Oh! fandom. It centers around the exploits of Yeloh Kaiba and how she duels, then subsequently has sex with most (all?) of the male cast.
It can be read here.
Tropes used in The Adventures of Yeloh Kaiba include:
- An Aesop: "The moral of the story is that friendship is a powerful bond that lasts a lifetime, and violence is never the answer." ...somehow.
- Author Avatar: The main character shares a name with the user, and most likely resembles them.'
- Beige Prose
- Big No
- Boring Invincible Hero: She has super powers, is an awesome duelist, and gets good grades because she crouches in her chair, eats candy, and develops bags under her eyes.
- Captain Obvious: "People die when they are killed." REALLY?
- Common Mary Sue Traits: It seems like the the author looked up a Yu-Gi-Oh! Mary Sue litmus test and tried to hit every single trait listed.
- Crunchtastic: Instant description just add "-ly"
- Curb Stomp Battle
- Deader Than Dead: "People die when they are killed, and they were deader than dead as they were shot by a laser beam after being struck by lightening."
- Death Is Cheap: Yeloh is instantly revived after dying.
- Department of Redundancy Department: The story provides such gems as "“Isn't that against the rules?â€\x9D asked Yeloh, questioningly." and "“You are mean sluts!â€\x9D said Yeloh, calling the mean sluts, mean sluts." and "“Aw, that's so sad.â€\x9D said Yeloh, observing Yugi's sadness and feeling sympathy for him"
- Did Not Do the Bloody Research
- Empathic Weather: Raining, snowing, and lightning all at once. ...again, somehow.
- Everyone Is Bi: Most of the characters in the story have sex with a female character, then a male character.
- Expansion Pack Past
- Heroic Sacrifice: Yeloh for Yami.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Each chapter is named "Yeloh Meets (Character)"
- IKEA Erotica: It seems the author learned how to describe sex scenes from My Immortal.
- Lemon: There is a lot of sex scenes. Er... so we are told by the narrator.
- Luke, You Are My Father: So. Much. Incest....
- Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls
- Never Say "Die": "It didn't kill him, it just destroyed him a little." and "It didn't kill her, it might of sent her to the Shadow Realm as the harmless edge of the sword cut into her."
- New Powers as the Plot Demands
- Original Character
- Out of Character: Almost everyone.
- Sailor Earth: Eight Millennium item that Yeloh has.
- Screw the Rules I Have Plot: Yeloh's 'style' of dueling.
- Self-Insert Fic: Yeloh, obviously.
- Shaped Like Itself
- Shout-Out: Tons.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Yeloh Kaiba has "Yuri Annu".
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth
- Troll Fic: One would hope.
- Winged Humanoid: Yuri Annu
- Wish Fulfillment
- Yaoi Fangirl: The author maybe one. "Bakura went to Pegasus and Marik, then they all sexed like the comic books that aren't like scriptures and give me cravings."
- You Fail Geography Forever: Apparently Wales is a town in England.
- As pointed out in Light and Dark - The Adventures of Dark Yagami, well, technically...
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