The Addams Family (1991 film)/WMG
Fester isn't the real Fester.
He really was Gordon Craven, and really was trying to get the Addams' money, but their insanity grew on him and he ended up brainwashing himself.
- He may have been a bastard child.
The Addams Family acts that way because they are all Nigh Invulnerable
Everyone in the family seems really hard to kill. Wednesday and Pugsley try to kill each other constantly and always live, Pubert can survive long drops and catch guillotine blades, and all the family members in the graveyard seemed to require rather brutal means of putting them down. If you and everyone in your family were that hard to kill, it's likely that you'd develop a rather blase attitude toward violence and mayhem. They don't quite realize that others are more vulnerable, so they rarely hold back when dealing with other people.
The Addams Family is in the same universe as Harry Potter
The Addams Family and their relations are magic using Wizards the same as those in the Harry Potter universe. While the Wizards of England and Europe have formed themselves into highly class-stratified societies with guilds and academies, the Wizards of North America and the United States have gone to a more independent model that we see in The Addams Family. This fits with the more casual nuclear family attitude that one sees in mainstream US culture and the fierce family loyalty that the Addams have. The Wizards of the New World would have also been highly affected by the frontier culture of the early United States: self-sufficiency, "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps". They eschew titles, nobility and cultural ranking systems, are much more casual with acquaintances and are more egalitarian and dealing with "muggles" day to day.
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