The Abridging of Haruhi Suzumiya

I'm Haruhi Suzumiya, and my goal this year is to make the ultimate abridged series!

The Abridging of Haruhi Suzumiya, by FullmetalChao, is an Abridged Series of the Haruhi Suzumiya anime. Much of the humor in this abridged series consists of mercilessly hanging a lampshade on all the tropes in the show, which is effective since the original anime was pretty Troperiffic to begin with. It also includes some clever reinterpretations of the characters, such as making Yuki a Scary Black Man, and Itsuki a pedophile.

Kyon, in this series, first meets Haruhi when she introduces herself to the class and announces that she aims to create the best abridged series ever. She then drags him along with her and forces him to help her with her project, starting by grouping together some other students to do voice work. Thus the SOS Brig-er, Evil Cookies Club is born.

In April 2015, FullmetalChao took down the entirety of the series for reasons explained in links that were themselves taken down later on. He didn't have the original video files, as they were lost in a dead hard drive years ago, effectively making this series unavailable... until a fan provided backups of the episodes to the creator in late May 2016.[1] The official channel hosting these videos can be found here.

Tropes used in The Abridging of Haruhi Suzumiya include:
  • AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle: The first three or so episodes has characters refer to Haruhi and Mikuru as "HaRUhi" and "MiKUru".
    • The latter is normal in English speech (the real dub does it despite pretty good pronunciations on every other name in the series), the former is not. Although, since Japanese accents with change in pitch rather than emphasis, any English accenting would be a necessary error of pragmatic translation.
  • Actor Allusion: One in episodes 9 and 10 (it's rather poor though), and one in episode 11.

Itsuki: * some of Vash's dialogue from Trigun*
Kyon: This guy has no future in voice acting. [cue pause: We luv you JYB!]

  • Ambiguously Gay - Itsuki was this in the original series; the abridged series takes the "ambiguously" part out.

Itsuki: Now let me just take your hand...
Kyon: We get it, you're gay!

    • Also:

Itsuki: Man I guess you figured it out... I'm gay.
Kyon: I was talking about the fact that you're an esper.
Itsuki: Oh yeah, that too...

Haruhi: Note that the remainder of this episode will be shown in Implied Rape-o-vision!

  • Blah Blah Blah - From episode three, when Yuki and Mikuru tell Kyon their backstories, and also in episode four.

Cue Onscreen Text: [What Kyon Hears]
Haruhi: Blah, blah, blah. I'm a selfish jerk. Blah, blah, blah. Pay attention to me. Blah, blah, blah. I have delusions of godhood.
Kyon: Aaand delete [all the pictures of Mikuru].
Haruhi: Hey! That blackmail belongs to me!
Kyon: No. I refuse to be over-emasculated by a woman any longer.
Cue Text: [What Haruhi Hears]
Blah, blah, blah. I refuse to listen to what you say. Blah, blah, blah. I'm here to ruin your fun. Blah, blah, blah. I love plot.

Haruhi: Any second aaaand... excellent! He's gone! Now, to break out the chains, whips, and the nuclear powered sombreros!
Mikuru: Wait! What was that last one?!

Kyon: So, how are you today?
Mikuru: The camera is zoomed in on my face meaning I have something important to say!
Kyon: ...Stop ruining the moment.

    • And in the last episode, Haruhi declares that she had broken through the fourth wall when Kyon notices that the umbrella belongs to...

Kyon: Wait a minute... "Property of FullmetalChao. If found, please return back". You stole this from our writer and editor -
Kyon: And you brought back an umbrella.

Yuki: Cracka, this isn't hentai.You're not gonna get laid.
Kyon: I'm gonna ignorantly ignore that statement.

Haruhi: "It must be hackers."
Yuki: "Or crackas."

    • Itsuki's "Lulz".
      • "Go to hell, Itsuki."
    • Kyon's "I hate you all."
      • Also, in response to Itsuki's personal space invasion, "Restraining orderrr..."
  • Chainsaw Good: Episode 3. Twice.
    • Morning...

Haruhi: Yuki! Get my rusty chainsaw.
Yuki: Bitch.
* chansaw rumble*
Narrator: One Chase Scene Later...

    • And At the Library...

Yuki: Book.
Kyon: There!
Yuki: Bitch.
Kyon: LEAVE!

  • Cluster Bleep Bomb: After Haruhi gets busted for handing out flyers in a Playboy Bunny costume, she uses one of these.
    • And another one in the next episode, after they draw toothpicks for the second time and she and Kyon end up on separate teams once again.
  • Combat Pragmatist: In Episode Four when Yuki shoots Ryoko offscreen with a shotgun.
  • Combat Tentacles

Ryoko: Now... tentacles, anyone?

Ryoko: I'm sorry, but there's no escape. That is... not until your guts are splattered against the wall!

  • Expy - Most of the characters in FullmetalChao's 07-Ghost Abridged (Abridged) video are expies of the Haruhi Abridged characters.
  • Flanderization - Mikuru's high-pitched voice is deliberately exaggerated to the point where it's almost impossible to understand what she's saying half the time.
  • Hello Male Nurse
  • It's All About Me: Tsuruya's a main character. Treat her like a god.
  • Kick the Dog - Haruhi deliberately aims at Mikuru's head when practicing baseball, trying to "decapitate" her, in episode seven.
  • Lolicon: Itsuki

Yeah, Itsuki? This is Zeromaster: Yui's legal guardian.
Cue Onscreen Text: [This Implies Itsuki is a Child Molester]
Stop sending your messages on her phone, or I'll get a restraining order.

Smoking weed by moonlight
Molesting lolis by daylight
Never running from a real fight
He is the one named Sailor Pothead

Kyon: I'm more of a RuneScape guy.
Itsuki: You're dead to me.

Kyon: It looked like shit before...and it looks like shit now.

Kyon: Dear God, This plot is like Swiss cheese!

Yuki: Cracka, I have officially haxxored the universe.
Kyon: Wait, you mean...
Yuki: Action Replay.

  • Scary Black Man - Yuki. And how.
  • Shout-Out - Among other things, there are lots of references to Teen Titans Abridged.
    • Not to mention that it practically shares a universe with K-On! The Abridged Series (for which Fullmetalchao does writing/voices as well).
      • The main characters of said abridged series are apparently members of Itsuki's group of Loli Scouts.
      • In fact, Full Metal Chao voices Yui's Les Paul, Gitah... as a child molester....[2]
    • "Tiny miniskirts!"
    • "Itsuki, I swear to god, if you tell me to do a barrel roll, I will cut you."

Itsuki: Switching to All-Range Mode. Who's making Star Fox references now?
Kyon: Not the time, Itsuki.

Kyon: * staring in horror* ... what the fuck just happened?

Haruhi: I am not jealous! I am not threatened by [Mikuru's] looks compared to mine!

  • Talking to Himself - The abridged "Remote Island Syndrome" episodes lampshade the fact that abridged Itsuki and Yukata have the same voice actor and sound almost exactly alike. The characters even refer to him as Itsuki's clone until he's revealed to be Vic Mignogna.

Yukata: Hey, dudes! Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay!
Kyon: Why does he sound so familiar?
Itsuki: Hell, I dunno.

Itsuki: Guess what?
Kyon: What?
Itsuki: Haruhi is destroying the world. Again!

"I am easily angered for generic reasons!"

Kyon: Are you trying to seduce me?
Ryoko: Noooo... I'm here to kill you!

FullmetalChao: Y-Yuki, What are you doing with your shotgun?
Yuki: I can't take it anymore, cracka. 15,513 times is enough, goddammit!
(Loads up shotgun and shoots herself)

    • Three days later, when Episode 8 came out:

Kyon: Wait, how are you alive?
Yuki: Magic.
Kyon: But--
Yuki: MAGIC.

  • Verbal Tic - Much of Yuki's dialog is saying "bitch", often with nothing else (and too much to be the other trope).
    • Averted in Episodes five and six. Aversion Justified:

Kyon: Why didn't you say the line?
Yuki: I like to create drama.

[Actual English Dialogue]
Yuki: I forgot to re-create the glasses.
Kyon: Actually, I think you look cuter without those things. I don't really have a glasses fetish anyway.
[/Actual English Dialogue]
Yuki: What the fuck you talkin' 'bout, cracka?
Kyon: I hate my script.

  • Yes-Man - As Itsuki pointed out, he has no opinion of his own.

Kyon: You have issues, man.
Itsuki: Hail Haruhi, motherfucker.

  • Yaoi Fangirl - Haruhi writes yaoi crossovers on her account.
  1. Comments regarding the fact can be seen on this video.
  2. a role he absolutely ABHORS
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