< The A-Team

The A-Team/YMMV

  • Cliché Storm: Which is part of the pun... ah fun.
  • Complete Monster: Vietcong Colonel Siue in the season 4 finale "The Sound of Thunder" has no trouble attacking villagers, just for housing the A-team. His Kick The Dog moment is when he horribly kills General Fullbright, despite the latter did nothing to him (personally at least).
  • Creator's Pet: General Stockwell in the fifth season, Depending on the Writer.
  • Crazy Awesome: Each and every member of the team to some extent, but Murdock personifies this trope. "Howlin' Mad", right?
  • Creator's Pet: Almost every of the last season's episodes were based around Gen. Stockwell.
    • Many of the pre-openings sequences of that season ended with him having the last word.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The opening theme song.
  • Flanderization: Both Murdock and B.A. suffered from this in the fifth season when the Retool occured. Murdock started to become more sane (though he had still some moments), after he got permamently discharged from the VA, meaning that all of his crazy behaviour in the past four seasons were nothing but Obfuscating Insanity.
    • As for BA, he was not only Demoted to Extra, but his interactions with the others (especially the most remembered ones with Murdock) has disappeared mostly.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: A joke by Murdock in "Water, Water Everywhere" where he brags about his matchmaking capabilities references his success with Princess Diana and Prince Charles, at the time recently married.
    • The season 3 episode "The Big Cheese" has Hannibal faking his own death and funeral in order to trick a racketeer. Now try to watch that scene now that George Peppard died in 1994.
  • Ho Yay: These days, you could look back and spot quite a bit of it, especially between Hannibal and Face, Face and Murdock, and Murdock and B. A. (which might border on Foe Yay at times).
    • In the Season 1 episode "Till Death Do Us Part," Murdock has to help save the client from her evil fiancée by wearing her wedding dress and walking down the aisle. He spends the rest of the episode feeling broken up over leaving the groom at the altar and even writes the man a letter to apologize. It all culminates in these lines:

Hannibal: Murdock, he was lucky to have you for as short a time as he did.
Murdock (sniffling): That's beautiful of you to say, Colonel.

    • Strongest example has to be in the third episode of the 5th season - Murdock is so happy to see B.A. that he kisses him all over his face, and when Stockwell tells them they have to move to Virginia, Murdock says "Virginia, that's so far away. B.A. and I, we just got back together." Awwww.
  • Large Ham: Murdock, quite often.
  • Memetic Mutation: One of the earliest Internet memes was the "Mr. T versus" comic, which mostly involved editing stills from The A-Team and borrowed heavily from B.A.'s character to describe Mr. T (like claiming Mr. T also had a fear of flying). Some of them also included Murdock to be pitied by Mr. T.
  • Older Than They Think: The designs for both the GMC van and the white Corvette with the red stripe came from the Mystery Science Theater 3000-featured action parody film Angels Revenge.
  • Replacement Scrappy: Tawnia is this to Amy.
  • The Scrappy: Frankie Santana, a fifth member added to the cast during its last season. His character is almost the same as that of both Face and Murdock. He's Casanova like Face and especially crazy like Murdock. In the first seven episodes of the same season, the writers thought it was a good idea to make Frank a new Murdock to BA (while the real Murdock has been Flanderized into a really sane man). BA even said/make the usual things/threats to Frank he usually says to Murdock. The writers seems to realise it didn't work, so they teamed up Frankie more with Face and Murdock for the remainder of the series.
    • General Hunt Stockwell, for apparently taking over the show, as well his attitude towards the team. Despite being played perfectly by Robert Vaughn, he still remains a Scrappy to many.
    • Tawnia Baker. While Amy did have some popularity, Tawnia was nothing but an anchor hanging on your legs, as she constantly wants to be on the team, and tried to shoehorn in every situation. If you look at the reaction of the guys, it's easy to imagine they really didn't like her. The writers even let the team do some Character Shilling about her.
      • Marla Heasley, the actress, later explained that from the first day she showed up on set, she was treated with hostility by George Peppard just for being a woman on what the cast felt should be an all-male ensemble. Melinda Culea, who played Amy, told a similar story of her own departure being essentially forced on her for daring to ask for something more to do and Peppard pushing heavily for her to be ejected.
  • So Cool It's Awesome: The whole point of the series.
  • Values Dissonance: It's hard to imagine Hannibal getting away with yellowface or blackface disguises anymore as he did early in the show's run. The network seemed to be aware of this on some level, as the "Mr. Lee" disguise only appeared once on screen and disappeared from the opening credits past the first season. B.A. made a crack about the low quality of Hannibal's blackface disguise in the very episode in which it appeared, though even the joke itself comes off as bad taste now.
    • It's also hard to imagine Hannibal and Face being able to utter as many sexist comments as they did back then.
    • Main characters on network television aren't generally allowed to smoke on-screen anymore (at least not as often as Hannibal), especially when the show is aimed at children.
    • B.A. thought there was something wrong with the implication that they were gay in "There Goes the Neighborhood".

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