< TheStrawhatNO!



There isn't a single LP video Travis has been in that isn't out-loud hilarious, and he only gets funnier every day. If he's ever made your stomach hurt from laughing, then consider adding some funny moments to this page.

Bomberman Hero

  • Lets play Bomberman Hero has ThornBrain playing through the game as he and BigTUnit comment on the characters, level names and ridiculous enemy designs.

ThornBrain: And now we have a giant stingray.
BigTUnit: (Pretending to be the stingray) I'm going to kill youuu.... I'm going to-
The Stingray begins vibrating uncontrollably
BigTUnit: -kill-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!

  • Anytime Travis pretends to be one of the enemies. Especially with the mini-bosses.


  • BigTUnit's interpretation of Pibot as a sociopathic machine that takes delight in the suffering and death of others and occasionally harbors Ho Yay feelings towards Bomberman.

"You came for me, my love. Let's fly away on a white stallion... Well it's not white anymore. It's kind of grey... I mean I crashed your ship. Allow me to hold you in my silver, human-killing arms."

  • ThornBrain's opinion of the game as the LP goes on. BigTUnit eventually points out the frequent complaints about the game compared to his praise of it in the first episode causing Thorn to simply reply, "Fuck it."
  • In the final episode, while showing a montage from Millian's Treasure Hunt, the duo play the games main Ear Worm, Redial (which both commentators have made clear that they were sick of hearing by the end of the LP) over the montage and after the first loop begin adding lyrics to it.

007 Agent Under Fire

  • The mundane actions which qualify as "Bond moments" in Agent Under Fire are hilarious in their own right. But the resulting discussion adds icing to the cake.
  • Part 2 has a scene where Thorn is hiding in a vent and taking out guards, one by one. Where there are only 2 left, one of the guards begins spinning in a circle, causing Thorn to pause for 15 seconds before shooting him. Later in the video he admits that the sight made him laugh so hard he was literally crying.

My friend is dead! CIRCLE STRAFE!!!

  • At the end of a driving mission is a Crowning Moment of Awesome for Thorn, in which he uses a shortcut, boosts up to the armored van, and uses the Q-Pulse to take it out. What makes it a CMOF is the fact that right after that happens, he loses control and his car gets hit by a train.
  • On three separate recordings Thorn watched as the enemies ran around blindly trying to find him and ended up running off the platform and falling to their deaths.

Bomberman Jetters

  • Their Bomberman Jetters LP was already guaranteed to be amusing since these were the same guys who did the Abridged Series of the anime. However, the game's laughably bad voice acting (especially from Shout, Gangu and Thunder Bomber), suicidal enemy AI, White Bomber and Max's insistence on saying the names of every item they pick up, and Max's complete lack of enthusiasm with everything he says added so much to the fire for the duo.
  • Shout's remarkably useless or obvious advice became the premise of many of their jokes, to the point where ThornBrain blamed his constant habit of getting caught in his own explosions on the fact that Shout never told him not to.
    • And from the final level.

Shout: White Bomber, Max, I have no more advice to give you.

  • The enemy is HAVING FUN! KILL THEM ALL!

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

  • Epona becoming the reincarnation of Pibot
  • Hey Hey (Link)'s odd fascination with goats.
  • As the encounter their first attack tutorial, ThornBrain points out how the skeleton serving as Link's mentor is actually the Link from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. From this the three debate how Link must have immediately had a growth spurt and decomposed after Majora's Mask's ending. Then we get this:

Travis: It would be funny if you fought the Wind Waker version so the skeleton was like really tiny but with a massive head.

  • And as the hidden move tutorial ends.

BigTUnit: He wakes up and it turns out that wolf actually mauled him and none of this actually happened. You now have rabies!
Yoshi: That's what happens when you steal from the bird.

    • For context: Thorn had stolen a red potion from the bird shopkeeper, Trill, immediately before the Hidden Skill tutorial.
  • And from the end of the same episode, as they debate how Trill will get revenge on them for stealing the potion.

BigTUnit: (As Hey Hey) How did you find me? (As Trill) I FOLLOWED MY NOSE!
Yoshi: I (laughs) I hate you, Travis.

  • The (in)famous fanservice scene, as Hey Hey's shot comes up:


  • The guys cooing over a puppy, then attempting to cook him immediately afterwards.
  • Their realization that, for all of the bridges Midna teleports around, she didn't bother to help with a small white bridge in the Water Temple that would have saved a lot of time.

"... Little shit! You're right!"

  • The guys' collective reaction to Ooccoo and her son.

Pikmin 2

  • The ending of Day 4 has an extensive fat joke at the Hocotate Freight President's expense, as well as making him sound like Mickey Mouse.
  • At one point they joke about the Purple Pikmin getting burnt up by being in the ship's exhaust pipe and leaving purple smoke coming out of the rocket during takeoff.
  • On the topic of Purple Pikmin, the Running Gag that they are Game Breaker God Mode Sues.
  • On Day 5, they rapidly fluctuate between highbrow humor (psychology jokes) and lowbrow humor (a dirty diaper as one of Olimar's suit upgrades), and even lampshade it.
    • And then Travis brings out his tuba mouthpiece after the main video ends.
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