Tezakia Quest
An imageboard-based RPG styled as a text adventure, similar in style and pace to the game to start the genre, Ruby Quest, created and run by a man who goes by the name "Slinkoboy." Containing around 1800 images, it all started as an exercise in writing and drawing pictures faster for practice after the topic was voted on by the players and grew into something far larger.
It starts out with a Tezakian named Sekani flying on a scouting mission, which is spying on a race called the Lians, when he gets shot by a syringe with a strange liquid. Little does he know, he'll get caught up in a world of horrors.
Can be found on DeviantArt (revised flash version) and on LiveJournal (original).
- Anti-Magic - Comes in the form of an anti-magic cloth. It hurts Majibeasts
- Apocalyptic Log - Amiel finds one detailing Dilia's Sanity Slippage
- Blood Is Squicker in Water - The main character tries to take a hot shower and gets a bloodbath instead.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall - Over the course of the quest, the fourth wall has been raped, attacked, cracked, and shattered
Sekani: Oh, am I in this quest? I thought this was 'Chapter 11: Let's all cry for 2 hours'.
- Chekhov's Gun - The syringe that caused Sekani to crash land
- Compliment Backfire - Someone wishes Sekani regains his colors after he's cured, but Sekani tells them he's always been that color
- Cooldown Hug - Amiel does this to Sekani when he first turns into his Super-Powered Evil Side
- The Corruption - Becoming a Majibeast does this to you.
- A Day in the Limelight - The entirety of chapter 7 has you controlling Amiel
- Easily Forgiven - Iiji
- Evil Plan: Iiji apparentl has one.
- Fang Thpeak - Amiel gets this after she transforms
- Fantastic Racism - The Lians and the Tezakians hate each other
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero - Sekani
- The Lancer - Amiel
- The Smart Girl - Dilia
- The Big Girl - Tayza
- The Chick - Jiniki, arguably
- Flashback Nightmare - Sekani has one in the beginning of chapter 2. He lost his pet because he was a coward and didn't protect it from an attacking animal
- Harem Genre
- Heel Face Revolving Door - Much of the cast goes through this
- especially Dilia
- How Do I Shot Web? - Sekani has a little trouble controlling his majicka powers at first
- Inventory Management Puzzle - The Ball of Increased Carrying can only hold up to ten items and/or 100 kilograms. There's a way around this, but doing so will cause it to glitch and lose all stored items. This is discovered the hard way.
- Insectoid Aliens - The Klis-Khar
- Interspecies Romance - Sekani and Amiel, who are a Tezakian and a Lian respectively.
- Sekani also has this with Dilia, who is a Diuban.
- Love Triangle - Sekani, Amiel, and Dilia
- Magic Is Evil
- Magic
- Mind Control
- Oh Crap - Fairly often
- One-Winged Angel
- Pistol Whip - Amiel does this to Sekani at the end of chapter 1
- Psycho Serum - The gold liquid, which transforms people into Majibeasts
- Railroading - There was a piece of cloth laying nearby, so Sekani wasn't able to use his stretchy pants to cover a wound he had
- Rant-Inducing Slight - Sekani has one shortly after Dilia tries to kill Amiel
- Rousing Speech - Sekani gives one in chapter 10
- Running Gag - Amiel's hatred of the letter "E"
- Sekani having Deja Vu
- Rule 34
- Self-Deprecation - The author does this often.
- Slasher Smile - Amiel gets one when Dilia tells her she should smile more
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- Superpower Meltdown - Sekani has a minor one at the beginning of chapter 3
- Dilia gets one when she's cured
- Suspiciously Specific Denial - Amiel has one in chapter 11
- Telepathy - The way Majibeasts can communicate over long distances
- Title Drop - during Sekani's Rousing Speech
- Transformation Trauma
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
- What Have I Done - Sekani has one of these in the beginning of chapter 4
- Dilia gets one in chapter 9
- What the Hell, Hero? - Tayza gets called out on her being a jerk by Sekani
- Tayza calls out Amiel because she almost killed Jiniki, but she counters with one of her own about Tayza almost killing Sekani. Twice