< Terok Nor
Terok Nor/YMMV
- Complete Monster: Gul Darhe'el. Although his culture doesn't view him this way, the reader does.
- And, of course, Gul Dukat. He was a Draco in Leather Pants for much of the television series, but the things he does in this prequel series are absolutely horrifying.
- Crell Moset. In a trilogy where one character buries people alive, another takes people's wives as sex slaves, and another betrays his entire planet, Moset comes across as the scariest of all.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Darrah Mace seems to have become quite popular.
- Magnificent Bastard: The highlight of Day of the Vipers is a masterful display of magnificent bastardry from Dukat. He manipulates the Bajorans into accepting closer ties with the Cardassians by whipping them into a paranoia about the Tzenkethi. He fakes Tzenkethi attacks and manipulates communications to construct false accounts of Bajoran/Cardassian/Tzenkethi encounters in space. Finally, he hijacks a Tzenkethi marauder, using it to bomb Bajor before the Cardassian fleet "heroically" responds. The Bajorans end up rushing gratefully into the arms of their Cardassian "saviours". During the chaos, the Cardassians also manage to steal one of Bajor's sacred orbs for study. Masterminding the entire operation and indeed the whole approach to the eventual annexation of Bajor, Dukat even manages to pull a sneering Reason You Suck Speech to his arrogant superiors, Kell and Ico.
- Squick: An example that is quite intentional, as Dukat fantasises about how beautiful 14-year-old Kira Nerys has gotten.
- Tear Jerker: The death of Hadlo ("Oralius! Prophets! My love is for you both!)", and that of Bennek.
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