< Tenjho Tenge

Tenjho Tenge/YMMV

  • Aborted Arc: Some readers felt that Tenjho Tenge was wrapped up so quickly after the last flashback arcs because Oh!Great wanted to focus more on Air Gear.
  • Complete Monster: Fu Chi'en, Sohaku and all his minions, Shin he slaughtered his entire family, who knows how many fighters and brutally crippled his own friends during his bouts of intense insanity, Susanoo, 9 out 10 of the Red Feathers (especially Jushi Mataza Tsumuji)... pretty much 80% of the characters.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Bunshichi Tawara is very much this amongst most the fandom. Though beliefs that he was the strongest fighter in the school turned out to be false, his devil-may-care attitude and fighting skill has made him particularly memorable.
    • Masataka Takayanagi is well liked among the fandom, despite being Demoted to Extra amongst the main cast for some time. He returns to prominence near the manga's final arcs, defeating Mitsuomi in a brutal fight and culminating in a battle against Souichiro that buys enough time for Maya to remove Souichiro's Red Feather abilities for good.
  • Fashion Victim Villain: Mitsuomi. He without a doubt has the worst sense of style in the series. He thinks his outfits look awesome.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Souhaku, textbook to the last.
  • Relationship Writing Fumble: It's almost sad, really, how Aya's Yuri scene with Chiaki went way further than she ever did with Souichiro. That scene was, of course, meant to appease certain viewers but to be fair even Chiaki lampshaded how even she is more aware of what to do with Aya than Souichiro ever was.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: As the buildup to the last battle came along, one of the Takayanagi brothers, likely Masataka, was hinted to be the Tsukuyomi to match Souichiro, the Susano'o, meaning that there may have been some sort of power-up for Masataka waiting in the wings, but in the end, Masataka just fought Souichiro all out, losing a hand in the process, and it was left up to Maya to free Souichiro from the power. However, as there wasn't anything explicitly stating that the entire thing was more than symbolism, this may just be an example of reading too much into the situation.
  • The Woobie: Shin, just Shin. Poor guy is completely under surveillance by the Takayanagis to oversee his power development, and they even recruit Mana Kuzunoha as his fake girlfriend to help them do it. Maya's relationship with another guy ends up sending him over the edge from jealousy, and when he tells Dogen that he is happy with the way he and the school are currently, finally trying to make a fresh start after his brutal fight with Bunshichi Tawara, he is manipulated into activating his Dragon's Eye and going berserk again. It is no wonder he eventually decides to commit suicide with Mana's help.
    • Jushi Mataza's story is rather heartbreaking as well, if only because his brother was a massively abusive and hateful prick.
  • Unfortunate Implications: The story is packed with women being violently raped, violent abuse of female characters, highly graphic and even sexual violence against women that don't occur to male characters, female characters being generally portrayed as inferior to male characters, female villains receiving disproportionate retributions compared to male villains for lesser crimes. To some, it seems that a good chunk of the cast is comprised of violent, murdering rapists that end up by treated by the plot as highly sympathetic and Easily Forgiven while female victims are swiftly forgotten.
  • Unpopular Popular Character: As the story progresses the less seriously it seems to take Masataka, which is odd as he is shown to be one of the best fighters in the series, second only to Maya Natsume, the top ranking Enforcers and his brother Mitsuomi. His prowess is such that he can take on 80 men in one fight and his fight against Souichiro early on in the anime is one of the most brutal depicted. As explained in Ensemble Darkhorse above, this is eventually averted.
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