< Tenchi in Tokyo
Tenchi in Tokyo/YMMV
- Broken Base: Fan reaction towards this series is mixed.
- Die for Our Ship: Poor Sakuya.
- Alas, Poor Scrappy: For some. Whether you liked her or not, it can't be disagreed that having Yugi give her a Break Them by Talking right before re-absorbing her by force (and when the poor kid is crying and begging Tenchi to help her!) was really cruel.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Hotsuma
- Growing the Beard: The second half of the series, which actually features Tenchi growing a spine and telling the girls to leave him the hell alone.
- Recycled Script: The way the script ends, it could be called "An extended version of the Tsunami/Sasami" episode in the original series With Yugi instead of Sasami one day becoming a romantic rival as well
- Relationship Sue: Subverted with Sakuya. She's the shadow of the Big Bad, and is just there to try to trap Tenchi. This means, she's a Relationship Sue and has to stay that way so the story works.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad member Hotsuma, who seduces Ryoko back to her life as a Space Pirate and away from her True Companions, was frequently paired with her for "real" in Fanfic.
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The series has elements of Romantic Comedy and Monster of the Week, which led to a very forced-in plot, which would've been better either that the show tried to be more realistic and focus more on the relationships off Tenchi and his harem and have Sakuya being a normal girl instead of the villain's conjured shadow made to keep Tenchi away from them and go into the depths of their feelings about the whole matter and led to a sound resolution; or focus on fighting spirits and limit the romantic themes significantly in order to present a very action packed story. Instead the story ends with another romantic rival for Tenchi with the very same reactions from the girls of Yugi growing up and becoming a threat to their confession of love and Tenchi returning to the chaos of the screwed up family in the Masaki shrine.
- Alternatively, it could've shown how Tenchi would been as a normal student instead of an insanely powerful hero.
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