Telepathy Shoujo Ran

Isozaki Ran is an energetic and sporty middle school student who had the gift of premonition since she was a little kid. Her powers really come into fruition once she meets Naha Midori, a girl who transfers into her school and attends the same class she does. Actually she had already heard the girl's voice in her head before that, saying "I found you" and that "it will begin very soon".
Ran discovers through her interactions with Midori that she has tremendous telepathic and telekinetic powers, just like Midori herself. The only trouble is that the two girls don't hit it off well at first. They get a mutual understanding though once they decide to face an adversary with similar abilities, who at one point kidnaps Rui, Ran's boyfriend who possesses certain powers as well.
The series, fully called Telepathy Shoujo Ran Jiken Note, describes how Ran deals with her newly found abilities and how it affects her relationship with her friends and family, mostly in an "adventure per episode" format. The stuff Ran, Midori and Rui have to deal with ranges from fairly mundane school troubles, through low-key detective work to run-ins with with local godhoods.
The show, which aired in the latter half of 2008, is generally light-hearted family fun, with a strong-willed female lead and ditto friends.
- Afraid of Needles: Midori.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Midori tries to pull this one on Ran at first.
- Amateur Sleuth: Ran, Rui and Midori are somewhere between this and kid detectives. Rin, being older, is this straight on.
- Bait and Switch Credits
- Big Eater: Midori. She even does pretty well at eating contests.
- Brother-Sister Team: Ran is helped immensely by her older brother Rin during her adventures.
- Cherry Blossoms: All over. One episode is about returning a god to a sakura tree.
- Dark Magical Girl: Midori, at first.
- Double Take: Quite a few of those.
- The Empath: Ran and Midori—but also Momoko.
- Enemy Without: The ghosts at the inn.
- Exact Eavesdropping: Played completely straight throughout the series.
- Extraordinarily Empowered Girl: Guess who.
- Fantastic Racism: Most people with psychic abilities are victim to this.
- Happily Married: Ran's parents.
- Heel Face Turn: Midori, very early in the series even.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters
- Invisible to Normals
- Jidai Geki
- Kansai Regional Accent: Midori.
- Karma Houdini: Momoko even gets a fairly happy end.
- The Load: Rui, for most of the series.
- Loners Are Freaks: Averted with Midori, who is pretty normal, although perhaps a bit arrogant. Played straight with Momoko.
- Magical Girl: Ran and Midori, sort of.
- Magic Skirt
- Mask Power: Momoko.
- Masquerade: it's a "magic/esper" series, what did you expect? Midori spends a lot of effort to hide from her classmates... her Kansai-ben accent. Oh, and her powers, too.
- Mind Control: Momoko's favorite way of gaining power.
- New Transfer Student: Midori.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Midori pulls this off from time to time.
- Non-Indicative First Episode: Giving the impression of a much darker series.
- Official Couple: Ran & Rui.
- Ojou: Midori. It explains why she can live by herself in a big luxurious apartment.
- Otaku: Ran's father... of pickles. Really.
- Parental Abandonment: Averted with Ran, but played straight with Midori.
- Power Glows: Emitted by Ran and Midori when applying their powers. It seems to be invisible to others though.
- The Power of Friendship
- Power Trio: Ran, Midori and Rui.
- Psychic Link: Most prominently between Ran and Midori, although they can connect to other people too if they really try.
- Psychic Powers: But of course...
- Really Dead Montage: Played straight, even though Midori doesn't really die.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: Even when there are boys in the picture.
- Scooby-Doo Hoax
- Selective Obliviousness: Rin doesn't seem to notice Midori's crush on him, even though she doesn't exactly keep it a secret.
- He probably has noticed, but either doesn't take it seriously, or decided to ignore it, since he's looking for a girlfriend his age. An aversion of the Lolicon trope, if you wish.
- Sequel Hook: Ran hears another voice in the end, saying the same thing Midori did.
- Spoiler Opening: It is immediately shown that Ran and Midori will be on good footing.
- Take My Hand: Numerous times.
- There Is Only One Bed
- Time Travel
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Ran & Midori.
- Tsundere: Midori.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: Rui with Ran, even with competition from Midori.
- Weird Moon
- Weirdness Censor: Yamashita-kun, who is helped by Ran's powers but still can't believe it.