Tekken (film)
Survival Is No Game
The 2010 Live-Action film based off the popular fighting game series by Namco Bandai.
The year is 2039. World wars have destroyed everything and territories are run by corporations, the mightiest -- and cruelest -- of which is Tekken. Jin Kazama witnesses the death of his mother Jun by Tekken's private army in the slums known as Anvil. Vowing vengeance, and armed only with his street smarts and raw fighting skills, he enters a dangerous and potentially deadly combat tournament, where he must defeat the world's most elite fighters to become the "King of the Iron Fist."
Tropes used in Tekken (film) include:
- Action Girl: Christie, Nina and Anna though only Christie really gets to show it off. In addition to winning her tournament fight she takes out a whole load of Kazuya's mooks.
- Adaptational Villainy: Inverted. Heihachi is a lot less of a villain in this than he is in the games.
- Asian Gal with White Guy: Actually a Gender Flip with white Christie having a thing with Asian Jin.
- Beard of Evil: Kazuya has just about the most obviously evil beard and mustache combo imaginable.
- Black Dude Dies First: Eddy Gordo gets knocked out of the tournament first round. Of course, this means he's no longer in the tournament when Kazuya changes the rules so the fights are to the death, at which Dragunov is the first to die in the tournament.
- Black Market Produce: Jin buys an orange for his mother.
- But Not Too White: Irish Nina and Anna are played by a South African and Spanish actress respectively who are appropriately tanned.
- Casanova: Prior to his mother's death, Jin is shown to have a girlfriend, Kara... Who he promptly forgets about once gets into Iron Fist & meets Christie, who throws herself at him within days. Especially glaring, since the film keeps cutting back to Kara during Jin's fights in the tournament.
- Composite Character: Kazuya in this film is a composite of him and his adopted brother Lee from the games.
- Crapsack World: And it makes the one in Tekken 6 look like a vactation spot.
- Death by Adaptation: Dragunov, Steve Fox and Bryan Fury.
- Demoted to Extra: Anyone who isn't Christie, Steve, or part of the Mishima bloodline.
- Designated Girl Fight: Christie vs. Nina.
- Disappeared Dad: Jin was raised under the impression that his father was dead. Of course, considering that Kazuya Mishima is his father, one can't really blame Jun for telling Jin this.
Especially after it's revealed that Jun became pregnant after Kazuya raped her.
- Dual-Wielding: Kazuya starts his climactic fight with Jin two axes in hand.
- Good People Have Good Sex: Despite his... questionable fidelity, Jin and his partners generally have pretty good, mutually enjoyable sex, while Kazuya has a taste for rape and spends his entire sex scene with the Williams sisters scowling and complaining about his father.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Kazuya has one of the later on his cheek, but is notably missing the enormous one on his chest.
- In Name Only: Oh, boy...
- Kazuya was never thrown off a cliff by his father when he was a child, and looks nothing like the character in the games - It's so bad, that if you watched the trailer without knowledge that this was Kazuya, you'd be questioning who the hell Ian Anthony Dale was meant to be.
- Steve Fox, instead of being a similar age to Jin, is old enough to have fought in Iron Fist at the same time as Jun, has a shaven head & serves as Jin's mentor figure.
- Christie Monteiro is no longer a Brazillian Caporeia fighter, having undergone a Race Lift & now fighting as a MMA fighter instead - Justified slightly, due to Eddy Gordo also being in the film & faithful to the the character in the games, although the film has removed Eddy & Christie's relationship from the games.
- Marshall Law is no longer a Bruce Lee Clone in fighting style or appearance.
- Miguel Rojo is stated to fall under Small Name, Big Ego, and like Marshall Law, looks & fights nothing like the character from the games. Possibly justified by the character being introduced in Tekken 6, which wasn't released on consoles until after the film was shot.
- The Tekken Force soldiers have been renamed "Jackhammers" or "Jacks" for short.
- Nina and Anna's grudge, which their entire backstory revolves around, is gone.
- Yoshimitsu, the cyborg samurai who steals from the rich to give to the poor... Is just a guy in an elaborate suit of armor.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Invoked with the Jin/Yoshimitsu fight, as rather than take Yoshimitsu's sword so that he has to fight with his fists like everyone else, the tournament officials hand Jin a katana of his own.
- Le Parkour: The first time Jin is seen, he's running across rooftops smuggling equipment to a resistance group.
- Magic Camera: When we see Jin's fight on the TV in the bar there are shots from inside the cage but there's no camera man inside, making those shots impossible on the TV.
- Male Gaze: There are plenty of shots of Christie's low-cut pants.
- Mythology Gag: Paul Phoenix is mentioned to have been knocked out by Marshall Law in less than 30 seconds.
- No Name Given: Jin only uses his first name when he registers for Iron Fist. As it turns out, he had a damn good reason to keep his last name a secret, just not the one he thought he had.
- Won't Work On Me: Bryan Fury pulls this.
- Race Lift: Christie. Fans were never going to be happy no matter what race the actress was considering there are debates about Christie being black, Hispanic, Italian and even Asian. Anna is also played by a Spanish actress though she only has one line and she probably could pass for a white girl with a tan.
- Retired Badass: Jun Kazama. She's not completely retired since she teaches Jin martial arts.
- Self-Made Orphan: Kazuya pulls this on Heihachi. It just doesn't actually work since the Jackhammers are still loyal to Heihachi. Averted with Jin, who refuses to sink to Kazuya's level & kill him.
- The Starscream: Kazuya, naturally. Heihachi also informs Jin that this is the reason Kazuya tried to have him killed too, since before the tournament, Heihachi only had the one heir but Jin's emergence meant that there was a second.
- The Stinger: A wounded Kazuya walks past the holding cells at the arena, before the scene cuts back to Heihachi's final words, only for the scene to continue & reveal that Heihachi ordered his executioner to stand down, and that the Jack obeyed him.
- This Is Sparta: "I am Mishima Heihachi. I. AM. TEKKEN."
- Three-Way Sex: Kazuya has some with the Williams sisters.
- Token Minority Couple: Not an actual couple but the first round in the tournament has the two black participants fighting each other.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Kazuya really wants Heihachi to pass control of Tekken onto him, to the point that when he finds out that Heihachi has another heir in Jin, he sets out to kill Jin & take control of the company by force.
- Would Hit a Girl: Kazuya hits Christie a couple of times and is also revealed to have attacked Jun.
- You Killed My Mother: Jin witnessed his mother's death at the hands of Tekken's Jackhammers, and justifiably blames Heihachi for her death, even saying this verbatim to him. Subverted, as Heihachi argues that he saved her life after Kazuya raped her, as Kazuya would've killed her later if he had found out she was pregnant with Jin.
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