Teh Screaming of the Lambs

Another Fanfic by Sue Mary, this time about The Silence of the Lambs. TEH SCREAMING OF THE LAMBS was apparently created when Sue Mary had to read The Silence of the Lambs as a school assignment. She decided that it needs a sequel (and it already has one), and thus wrote this.

As with her other stories it takes the plot of the source work and cranks it while adding all manner of insanity and Out of Character-ness. Things begin "far time" after the first book with Clarice Starling on a "durg raid", which eerily parallels the beginning of the actual sequel. She finds a computer there with information on cloning but can't understand it because "the science was 2 hard". Upon returning to work she finds that Arthur has been accused of "merder" (this in fact takes place in the same universe and time as another of Sue Mary's stories, called Arthur an da Merder). Arthur claims he is innocent and that Hannibal is the real criminal, Jack Crawford doesn't believe him and even says he is "more dum than elephants", but Clarice does and sets off an a quest to bring Hannibal to justice.

Meanwhile Hannibal discover that his Evil Twin Cannibal is framing him for murder. He enlists Clarice's help and all of this appears to be part of a Xanatos Gambit involving "ENGINE" (Presumably meant to be InGen) cloning something.

Unlike Sue Mary's other stories this one has multiple chapters and it yet to be completed. Who knows where it will go next?

For further reference, see Sue Mary's other stories with pages: The Huemn Ceniped 2 The Humen Milipede and Sherlock Homes vs. Jack the Ripper.

Tropes used in Teh Screaming of the Lambs include:
  • Adaptation Expansion: Sue Mary's short story and seemingly one-shot story Arthur an da Merder has been expanded into this.
  • Cowboy Cop: Hannibal goes undercover as one to track down his brother.
  • Crossover: Between The Silence of the Lambs, Jurassic Park, and Arthur of all things!
  • Evil Twin: Cannibal, Hannibal's evil(er) brother.
  • Fridge Logic: Clarice determines that dinosaurs were responsible for killing everyone on board a school bus due to dinosaur tracks and "nifes" nearby. It appears the already sharp-clawed dinosaurs need weapons now.
  • Groin Attack: Happens to Clarice shortly after her song. (See You Fail Biology Forever example below)
  • Hannibal Lecture: Surprisingly averted, unless you consider "Clurse! I need yo help sumthin bad's goin down at da lab!" to be one of Hannibal's trademark speeches.
  • Mind Screw: At one point it says "Samus went to prizon to interrogates Arthur", yet in the next sentence Clarice is there and Samus is never mentioned again.
  • Prison Rape: John Hammond does this to Arthur.
  • Rule of Cool: The only possible reason why such things as Hannibal using a rocket launcher to try and catch his brother, and Clarice being the lead signer of a pop band.
  • Shout-Out: Possibly unintentional but the various "it was.... (character name)" are quite similar to My Immortal.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Jack Crawford says that Arthur is "more dum than elephants", even though elephants happen to be some of the smartest animals. Later it is mentioned that he is "cristan" and thus does not believe in dinosaurs, yet this is a crossover with Jurassic Park meaning he certainly has seen them before.
  • Xanatos Roulette: Cannibal appears to be leading one which somehow involves InGen from 'Jurassic Park.
  • You Fail Biology Forever: "Clarce went to leaf but a shoot hit her da balls an she past out."
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