< Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 series)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 series)/Headscratchers

  • In the recent series, how did Baxter Stockman get his spine back when he was reduced to a brain in a jar?
    • Assertiveness training?
    • Worm cloning?
    • He always had the spine. A better question would be: why did his left eye randomly reappear halfway through "Mission of Gravity?"
  • In Back To the Sewer, shouldn't they have instructed Serling not to mention anything about Cody to April or Casey? The whole "don't mess with time" trope?
    • The series' time travel has consistently being presented as being of the Gargoyles/ You can't fight fate /StableTimeLoop type, making "don't mess with time" a non-issue.
    • Also by that point Casey had pretty much already made up his mind about marrying April and starting a family, he was just waiting for the right moment.
  • Did the Ultimate Daimyo and "that Time Lady" get kicked out of Canon during the Fast Forward season?
    • If they showed up, we wouldn't have a good starting premise for Back To The Sewers, though. It's more than likely that they new about it and just decided not to act. Not every Reality Warper/Time Lord is required to act, after all.
  • How turtles are able to wear the protective gauntlet that they (and Foot) use with the Tengu sword? The gauntlet is metal and has five fingers, each of which is smaller than turtles' fingers. Plus, all of five fingers are used when a turtle uses it. The hell?
  • Okay, in Wedding Bells and Bytes why the heck is the Khan attack even half a problem? Forgiving for a moment Splinter's age and perhaps not being at full strength because of just being reconstituted we know Hisomi is there as well as the Ancient One so we can infer the Ninja Tribunal is back. The Acolytes are there and Usagi. Seriously WTF. We've seen these characters level entire friggin' ARMIES of bodyguards and elite warriors. The Tribunal alone should have been able to blast this problem and the Cyber Shredder to kingdom come. Instead they wreck the place. In the words of the Blockbuster Buster WTFMOFOS?
  • In Fast Forward, how the hell did Stockman survive 100 years as an exposed brain?
  • At several points in the series Shredder will list of a series of allieas he has, Ch'rell (his Utrom/birth name,) Oroku Saki, The Shredder and Duke Acureds. We know where most of these came from but where does the Duke Accureds thing come from?

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