< Team Hanabi

Team Hanabi/Characters

The main cast of Team Hanabi. Still heavily under construction.

Team Hanabi


The Heroine, and a former human turned Charmander. A naturally passionate leader, determined to do the best she can no matter what challenges come her way. Very protective of her friends, particularly Laramie. Has a bit of a problem with holding grudges.

  • Berserk Button - Threatening or hurting her friends isn't a good idea.
  • Cursed with Awesome
  • Determinator
  • Fiery Redhead
  • Fish Out of Temporal Water
  • Green Eyes
  • Iron Woobie - In addition to everything she goes through in the games, there's how Chosen revealed she was involuntarily pulled from her home just because she was the first individual with the Dimensional Scream Palkia and Celebi's summons detected. Then, since she wasn't even aware of this power, Palkia forcibly awakened it, tearing holes in her memory in the process and leaving her uncertain of even her own name. Naturally, this trip was one-way, and she was going to be wiped out of existence if they managed to Set Right What Once Went Wrong.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia - Along with Trauma-Induced Amnesia from having her Dimensional Scream awakened the hard way.
  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling
  • Nice Hat - Wears her red bandanna on her head rather than her neck, believing that to be more practical (and keeping it a little further away from her tail flame). Wore something similar when she was human, to keep her hair tamed without any combs or brushes.
  • Playing with Fire


Ichigo's partner, and the other founding member of Team Hanabi. A somewhat shy Bulbasaur, he's almost painfully eager to please others, and just as painfully terrified of letting them down. Tends to underestimate what he's capable of, particularly when compared to his friends.


An overexcitable Squirtle, Marcy leaps at every chance she gets for another exciting adventure, which naturally led to her joining Team Hanabi... and getting extremely annoyed when she's barred from certain missions due to not being a Guild Member. But whatever--! Eventually forms a sub-group of sorts within Team Hanabi, consisting of those few recruits willing and/or able to keep up with her insane pace when she's the designated leader. Evolved into a Wartortle once the Spring started working again, but has no interest in going all the way to Blastoise.


A kindly Cubone who tends to act somewhat like a sister towards her teammates, as well as a calming influence. This works better on some of her friends than it does on others.

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