< Team 8
Team 8/YMMV
Naruto: Hinata, could you use your eyes to check me out?
- Alternative Character Interpretation: In this series, Hiashi's cold exterior is more than a case of acting as his station dictates; he's just an abusive dick.
- Absolutely; even Hiashi's biggest Pet the Dog moment from canon (bowing down on his knees to beg for Neji's forgiveness after telling him the truth about Hizashi's death) is replaced by a Kick the Dog moment instead (despite Neji ending up far more badly injured from his fight with Naruto than he did in canon, the only thing Hiashi is interested in is seeing him punished for "disgracing the clan"). He's easily bordering on Complete Monsterhood.
- Also, depending on how indicative Snapped is of the main story, he may well be one of the series' primary antagonists.
- Similarly, Hanabi is also quite dismissive of Hinata, a common characterization of her despite appearing in only a few scenes.
- This really extends to the entire Hyuga clan, who are in general much, much worse than they are in canon.
- Absolutely; even Hiashi's biggest Pet the Dog moment from canon (bowing down on his knees to beg for Neji's forgiveness after telling him the truth about Hizashi's death) is replaced by a Kick the Dog moment instead (despite Neji ending up far more badly injured from his fight with Naruto than he did in canon, the only thing Hiashi is interested in is seeing him punished for "disgracing the clan"). He's easily bordering on Complete Monsterhood.
- Base Breaker: The fic itself has a good deal of people who either outright hate it, or don't think it's as great as hyped. This isn't entirely unjustified - much of this comes from how Alternate Character Interpretation is used, particularly when it comes to making some characters more antagonistic than in canon (mostly the Hyuuga clan); as anyone who's read Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past might have observed, the author seems to have a preference for the "Black" end of the spectrum when it comes to villains, to near-Stupid Evil levels. While some of this is justified by the nail, said reviewers are of the opinion that he's basically twisting things to suit his own ends (which is, admittedly, partially the point of Fanfiction); basically it depends on whether the story is your cup of tea or not. Few will dispute his talent at writing, however.
- Fanon: Much of the story is based on fanon theories such as an extremely powerful village council and intentional abuse and mistraining of Naruto.
- Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that unlike many other stories with the same fanon elements, their presence is actually part of the plot, as it's implied that the event that lead to the change from the Canon storyline is also tied to their ocurrence.
- Fanon Discontinuity: Not inside the story itself, but regarding its relationship with canon. Two aspects of the fanfic that are not related to the nail don't match the way they appear in the original series. Specifically: The use of elemental jutsus in chapter 6 is inaccurate, and the portrayal of a certain villain ( Itachi) is very different from how he turned out to be in canon ( that is, Good All Along, for a certain value of good.) Nevertheless, this fanfic was first published in 2006, prior to the manga explaining how elemental jutsu actually worked, as well as prior to certain revelations regarding said villain. On that regard, the author has mentioned that, since he outlined most of the plot since the beginning, the story will not conform to the way things turned out to work in canon, and that the fanfic will stop actively following canon events after a certain point.
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: Kurenai makes lots of sarcastic remarks regarding early retirement and death. Chapter 20 makes most of them not funny anymore.
- Hype Backlash: For the same reasons as Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past
- Mood Whiplash: In Chapter 11, following their dinner with the Aburame Clan and Shibi apologizing to Naruto on behalf of their clan, Naruto and Hinata play a game of tag that leads to their first encounter with Gaara.
- Moral Event Horizon: Like Itachi? You won't in this story, not after he kills Kurenai.
- As Shino even points out, it made sense for him to do so, seeing as to how she broke Tsukuyomi. Of course, this does not stop Shino from entering the mother of all Tranquil Furies.
- Schedule Slip: As of this note, it hasn't been updated in over a year.
- Seinfeld Is Unfunny: Besides the reasons for the Hype Backlash and Base Breaker status mentioned above, part of the divisive nature of this fanfic comes from its age, being first published around 2006. While it's unlikely it was the first one, it's certainly one of the earliest and more notable examples to use certain plot points that have become common in many subsequent fanfics in the Naruto fandom. Among the more used and repeated plot points are: A different teacher training Naruto, resulting in his skills developing earlier; the genin teams being different due to someone else requesting Naruto (and leading to a Naruto/Hinata pairing); and the presence of a sinister conspiracy inside the Village council. While these plot points are actually treated here with more nuance than in many other fanfics, if you have read similar stories and come to this one expecting something incredibly original, you might be disappointed.
- Tear Jerker: Hinata. Oh god, Hinata. She is so used to abuse and rejection by her family, she actively looks for a veiled insult behind any compliments she receives from her teammates. She honestly does not know how to react when she realises they're not trying to insult her at all.
- The Woobie: Hinata Up to Eleven compared to cannon due to the 'nail' shifting her family life from aloof to outright abusive.
- Sarutobi as well. The more aware he becomes of the injustices that Naruto faces, the more guilty he feels when he fails to stop them.
- Too Cool to Live: Officially Kurenai, who died after breaking Tsukuyomi.
- With Fridge Logic of all things. Namely, realizing that the scenario Itachi puts her through makes no sense, and deliberately running with the correction.
- What an Idiot!: Discussed many times in-story, with regards to the villagers that seem hell-bent on denigrating Naruto. That's right, be mean to the kid you KNOW has a powerful, nigh-unbeatable demon sealed in his stomach. That'll learn 'em!
- Sasuke has a moment as well:Yup, make fun of Hinata, right after she got beaten within an inch of her life. Piss off her teammate, the guy who helped you fight Orochimaru, and actually fared better than you did. This will totally end well.
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