< Taz-Mania


  • In Taz-Mania, Digeri Dingo has MANY crowning moments of funny.
    • "I really thought Taz was my friend. I can't believe he'd stoop to such ugly depths for his own personal gain. That's MY job and he knows it!"
    • "What if George Washington didn't feel like crossing the Delaware? What if Thomas Edison didn't feel like inventing the lightbulb? And hey, what if the producers of this very show didn't feel like producing it and odds are, they don't!"
    • "Kids, that's a literary reference, you look it up when you're in college!"
    • (Digeri impersonates Taz's face) "Why for you hiding in the cold cold bushes with a shovel?"
    • "Then you can come back and.....like Dingo! Haha, I am capable of saying anything!"
  • In one episode of "Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island", Fred and the gang adopt a "Rainbow-Butted Fruit Monkey" (basically a baboon with a mood-ring for a butt), which they name Happy. The humor comes when they introduce him to Mr. Greenrind:

Slide and Slide: His name is... ta-dah! (show the pink paint on their rear ends)
Mr. Greenrind: Who would name an animal "Pink Banana Butts"?! That's weird, even for you two!

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