Tank Vixens
Describe Tank Vixens here.....
Well, okay. Tank Vixens is a striking example of porn with plot. Not so much porn as page after page after entire comic of furry fanservice. You see, in this universe, people fight wars with... FASHION! Well, not so much fashion as fashion-based warfare, which often has the characters running around topless or completely naked. By using 'pose power' the vixens 'can make wimpy male opponents wither, flee or have aneurisms and die.' The story focuses on the attempts of the Vole Imperium, a fascist empire, out to conquer the galaxy, and the actions of the Pan Vulpine Coalition to stop them. Centering around main characters Firen Prissy and her lesbian lover Sonya Guildencratz, it follows of the actions of the 101st Tank Crushing Battalion, an armor battalion consisting entirely of lesbian foxes, who are typically all crazy to an extreme that only a comic book could support. The battles are far from conventional tank engagements, as the major of the VIMPs, Udda Von Schteppenschlammer and her secretary, Hilda, face off with the vixens in posing contests, the more racy the better.
- Bad Boss: Udda is known to shoot people not just because You Have Failed Me..., but out of boredom, irritation, outright sociopathy...
- Born Unlucky: Sonya Rosencrantz, Unit Jinx.
- Cool and Unusual Punishment
- The Ditz: Anatasia "Ani" Sloane-Blythe
- Eyes Always Shut: Hilda
- Funetik Aksent: Udda and the Vimps.
- It Runs on Nonsensoleum
- Les Yay: Sonya towards Firen.
- The Nudifier
- Tank Goodness
- Unsound Effect: "IMBIBE!" as Udda is drinking a canned drink.
- The Voiceless: Hilda