< Tank Goodness

Tank Goodness/Quotes

Tanks! Build! More! TANKS!

General Kwai, Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour

What I can not defeat with words, I will crush with the tanks of the Imperial Guard.

Lord Solar Macharius, Warhammer 40,000

Your foe is well-equipped, well-trained, battle-hardened. He believes his gods are on his side. Let him believe what he will. We have the tanks on ours.

Colonel Joachim Pfeiff, 14th Krieg Panzer Regiment, Warhammer 40,000

Tanks come in two forms: the dangerous, deadly kind and the "liberating" kind.

Robert Fisk

T is for Tank, and T is for Terror,
and K is the K for Killing In Error...

Leona Ozaki, Dominion Tank Police, sung while washing Bonaparte.

T is for Tanker, A is for tanker, N is for Tanker, K is for Tanker, E is for Tanker, R is for Tanker. Tankers can't Spell! But Tankers Can Kill!

US Army Armor Running Cadence

It's like a religious experience. Wanna know my prayer? 'Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil. For I am driving 35,000 tons of FUCK YOU!'

Mana Kirishima, Nobody Dies

This here is 66 tons of straight-up, HE-spewin', dee-vine intervention!

Sergeant Major Avery J. Johnson, Halo, about the M808B Scorpion Tank.

Well, I'm a convict
In a siege tank I ride
Not Protossin'
Not Zergin'
No, I'm Terran... Up the Night!

Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftain, Terran Up The Night

Armored tanks of mass destruction
Killers in the east
Rats who dare to stand before us
Feel our guns go live
Death in the shape of a panzer battalion
Insect of terror don't run face your fate like a man
Cannot outrun our panzer battalion
Thousands of tons of armor and guns
Making its way through the sand
Our panzer battalion is back for revenge
Artillery sweeping the land
First strike is ours no mercy is shown
There's rivers of blood in our track
Breaking their waves of defense with our tanks
Infantry watching our back
Blow their SAM sites clear for air strike
Ready for the storm
Minefields swept there's no surrender
Feel our napalm burn

Sabaton, Panzer Battalion.

The man in the tank will win.

And the Lord was with Judah, and he took possession of the hill country, but he could not drive out the inhabitants of the plain because they had chariots of iron.

There's no reason to build any troops, really. Tanks don't move any slower, they jut take longer to build and, well, they're fucking tanks!

Yahtzee Croshaw in his review of Halo Wars

Tank beats Ghost. Tank beats Hunter. Tank beats everything! Oh, man, I could do this all day!

Marine, Halo 3

The best weapon against a tank is another tank. Therefore, tanks are always busy fighting each other and have little time to fight the war.

Murphy's Laws of Combat.

Tank by itself is fearsome. Fast tank is even more fearsome. Fast tank flying through air and trailing dust, flame and entrails of slain enemy is like hand of god ripping swath through the advancing horde of enemies. They falls to their knees and weep for their sins and beg for forgiveness, and that is when you rip them apart with coaxial machine gun.

Agent Dmitri Arkadeyevich Strelnikov, SCP Foundation , Reddawn
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