Tamuran is an epic fantasy webcomic created by multiple authors.
About: When the dark sorcerers of the land of Inikis were defeated in the Battle of Souls, their country was broken off from the continent and their evil was sealed away. Nine hundred years later, the seal is deteriorating, the magics to maintain it have long since passed from memory, and the sorcerers have had nine centuries to prepare their revenge…
His home thrown into chaos, the young heir of Tamuran must carry a message far through the wilds of his country if he is to have any hope of saving his kingdom and his people. But though the sorcerers’ power is rapidly consuming all the land, the heir soon finds that the legacy of his own ancestors may be just as deadly as any Inikan magic, and even his chosen protectors must face problems of their own…
- Animals Hate Him
- Animorphism: Kip spent a lot of time as a lemur.
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: The Tu Naul.
- Blade on a Stick
- Blood Magic
- By the Lights of Their Eyes
- The Evil Prince: Tamuran lucks out with two: Johlan & Ashlar Sun’arda.
- Fairy Companion: Kip to Cathrine.
- Guardian Entity: Also Kip to Cathrine.
- Healing Knife
- Last of His Kind: Nashua to his clan, as far as we know.
- Odd-Shaped Panel
- Punctuation Shaker: Subverted in that Tamuran features original language structures (Ex. The Tree Creatures have their own language) in which punctuation serves a purpose for pronunciation as well as in-story traditional naming conventions. A few examples include: Ranon Sun’arda, Hhr’skhygh, et al.
- Word of God states that 'Sun' is a prefix that identifies members of the Royal line of Tamuran as well as indicating where the break in the pronunciation takes place. ("Sun-Arda" and not "Su-Narda.") In addition, in the Tree Creature language the apostrophe indicates a glottal stop (sort of a pause/breath mark).
- Ravens and Crows
- Requisite Royal Regalia
- Schedule Slip: The prologue and the first two chapters were beset by this. Since the start of Chapter 3 (the current chapter) it has been mostly absent.
- Shapeshifting: Kip. Just. Kip.
- Talking Animal: Talather is a very chatty little bird.
- The Unpronounceable: The Tree Creatures tend to have names that are this. Ex: Hhr’skhygh
- Visible Silence
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: Averted, Kip and the other Tu Naul are devastated when their mortal companions die, but it is stated that time heals this, and Kip focuses instead on new beginnings.
- Youngest Child Wins
- Your Soul Is Mine