< Tales of the Questor

Tales of the Questor/Funny

  • The comedy of the "Tumbledowns" arc reaches its peak with Quentyn performing an improvisation on stage. Mother-naked.
  • This page.
  • About half of the tumbledown arc.

Quintyn: Squidge?? I didn't know you could fly!
Squidge: Neither did Squidge--until Questor jump from roof to roof and drop Squidge halfway.

Mulharney: He was caught by the arresting officers running down the main street of Silvergate Community in apparent hysterics, stark naked and carrying a potted plant...from which, ah, he was trying to make a leaf skirt. He led the guardsmen on a five minute chase, apparently because he noticed that two of the guardsmen were female...he only told them this after several minutes screaming 'In the name of of sweet loving Yeshu somebody give me some pants.' So we have trespassing, disturbing the peace, resisting arrest, possible vandalism or theft--if you count the plant--public indecency--
Arbitrator: Oh, let him go, Mulharney.
Mulharney: Sir...
Arbitrator: What, you don't think he's suffered enough? Let him go already! (biting back laughter) Oh lord...tell me the part about the potted plant again...

  • When the Duke finds out his old childhood friend has elf-sight, and her "imaginary" games weren't quite so imaginary.

Ellen: I can only imagine what's running through your mind, your Grace...
Duke: At the moment? The time you told the there was a monster under my bed when I was ten.

    • Later on.

"Sweet merciful CRAP, there's a girl in the room, could someone give me a TOWEL?!"

  • When the Duke explains that there is an enemy about to ride against the duchy, the orcish traders decide to repay them for being allowed to trade.

Orc: Name your enemy--and he die like stinking dog!

Duke: A Princeling court of the Unseleighe Fey.

Orc: Oh. Bye-bye. (flees)

Max: Well, well, well! I'm sure our biomancer has some intriguing explanation for-- [klunk] --ah. Well, then, perhaps after his nap.

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