< Tales of the Abyss

Tales of the Abyss/Heartwarming

  • When King Ingobert accepts Natalia as his daughter after he knows full well that she is not his real daughter.
    • Also when all the citizens of Baticul help Natalia to escape her execution, because they don't care that she's not royal by birth, she's a good leader and they want to keep her as the princess of Kimlasca.
    • When Duke Fabre and Susannah accept Luke as their son too, and not just as a clone of their son, despite his frequent arguments that Asch is superior to him in every way
      • Related to that: when Luke tricks Asch into reuniting with his parents after seven years, and they treat him exactly as you would a long-lost son. Quite possibly one of the few times you feel Asch is happy, despite himself.
    • "You're the only Ion that matters to me" and "Replica or whatever, you're real to me."
    • Pretty much Guy's loyalty in general. Him going back for Luke, and numerous conversations, including: "But I . . . I want you to stay alive, no matter what anyone else says." And "Even if the rest of the world abandoned you, I'd still be here, by your side."
    • Guy waiting for Luke after the rest of the team temporarily disowns him.
      • "He may be an idiot, but he's my idiot!"
    • If you think that Luke is the one that returns at the end of the game, then it's heartwarming to see Tear cry out of joy that Luke kept his promise.

Tear: Why are..you here?
Luke?: This place has a nice view of Hod. And also...I promised someone.

    • Jade coming out of his shell a little and admitting that he considers Luke a friend while in Daath. Tears were shed.
      • And just after the final battle: When he shakes Luke's hand, as his friend

"Luke. How you've changed."

    • During one visit to Keterburg, talking to Jade results in this:

Jade: To be honest, when I first met you, I thought I'd never be able to like you.
Luke: I felt the same way. You were obnoxious and insulting.
Jade: But, well, since we've been traveling together, I've come to think you're...not so bad.
Luke: ...Are you being serious for a change...?
Jade: Yes. I know about the nightmares that still wake you in the middle of the night. For you... the Fall of Akzeriuth still isn't a part of the past.
Luke: Well yeah...what do you expect?
Jade: On nights when you've killed bandits or Oracle Soldiers...you lie there awake, shaking.
Luke: ...I'm a coward...
Jade: No...That part of you is something I lack. I...still can't really grasp what it means for people to die.
Luke: Jade...
Jade: I've learned a lot of things by watching you.
Luke: I'm glad I traveled with you, Jade. Thanks to you, I've learned what I need to do. It's not the same as Master Van but...you're still a teacher and a mentor to me.
Jade: I HATE teaching. I don't take apprentices. I don't impart knowledge.
Luke: That's okay. I'll just steal it on my own.
Jade: Oh? Heh heh...All right.

    • There is also the scene after the destruction of Akzeriuth when Luke was looking for reassurance that what happened was not completely his fault but every one condemned him and abandoned him except Mieu who said that he also accidentally killed a lot of people and knew how Luke felt, while his wording might not have been the best the Cheagle's heart was in the right place.
  • Luke and Tear on the Albiore in the water before the final battle. Heartwarming moment ahoy.
  • After defeating Nebilim's replica, the party reassures (Luke in particular) Jade that he shouldn't be so hard on himself. Jade, in his own roundabout way, thanks them for helping him finally come to terms with his personal demons.
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