< Tales of Berseria

Tales of Berseria/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Innominat the Suppressor, the 5th Empyrean, mind rapes the entire malak population, turning them into soulless shells and slaves for the human population of the world. He takes great pleasure in both physically and psychologically torturing several victims, including the pirate Aifread and Velvet. Feeding on malevolence, when he gains enough power to do so he begins to Mind Rape humans into the same state as malakhim, forcing anyone who’d ever sinned to commit Psychic-Assisted Suicide. He has no care for his followers, and when his uncle is killed he does not even shed a tear over him, instead throwing a tantrum over being hungry.
  • Win Back the Crowd: Designed to do this after the bad reception Zestiria got, specially by making several changes to be as different from Zestiria as possible despite being a prequel. The plot is darker, the main villain is a Sheperd when Zestiria's hero was also one, and any controversy about false advertisment about who is the heroine of the game is eliminated because the heroine is the main character, and there is pretty obvious reasons why she isn't interested in any romance.

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