< Tales From Earthsea

Tales From Earthsea/YMMV

  • Complete Monster -- Lord Cob, the film's Big Bad. A druid left on the brink of death after a failed attempt to Take Over the World and become Archmage, Cob began searching for Immortality to enable him to exact revenge. In the present, Cob, running a slave trade that deals in children, begins tampering with the forces of the planet in his quest for eternal life, throwing the world into chaos. After capturing Tenar, Sparrowhawk's Love Interest, Cob Mind Controls his apprentice, Arren, into attacking Sparrowhawk. Cob then tries to kill Sparrowhawk and Tenar, and, when Arren thwarts this attempt, Cob takes Arren's friend, Therru, as a hostage, then strangles her to death before his eyes, mocking him all the way.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel -- The rapid aging of Cob when struck by Arren's sword.
  • So Okay It's Average -- What makes this so disappointing is the strength of the source material and that this is GHIBLI we are talking about. They just don't make mediocre material.
  • Tear Jerker -- Therru's song
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot -- Some world-building elements--such as slavery--are introduced but never touched upon in detail.
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