< Takotsuboya K-ON! Trilogy
Takotsuboya K-ON! Trilogy/YMMV
- Alternate Character Interpretation: The base personalities of the characters are the same, but Ui's the one who gets the sharpest turn.
- Bittersweet Ending: Yui dies and there's no definite chance that the remaining HTT members will meet each other again (save for Ritsu and Mio), but they are all able to get on with their lives and find some form of happiness.
- Complete Monster: Every single male character.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Despite the copious amounts of depressing and dark content, the author still manages to work one in with Mio's reaction to the scare site.
- Family-Unfriendly Aesop and Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: From the very first few pages, the trilogy drops the Aesop "In order for some to achieve their dreams, some must fail to do so." like an atomic bomb. However, if we were to say that the message could have been portrayed in a less Anvilicious nature and in a way that would not leave a person in a depressed funk for the rest of the week we would be telling a bold face lie.
- However, if you read Azusa's monologue really closely in the final part of That Is It, she does say that even if you can't achieve your dream, you can still find some way to use that passion in that field, as shown when she becomes a music critic.
- Iron Woobie: Azusa, who still attempted to fulfill her dream of playing with Yui in a live performance no matter what cruel blow was dealt to her.
- Jerkass Woobie: Mio.
- Squick: Mugi's rather... strange acts in the training camp part of the doujin. Even the owner of Fakku[1] was disgusted, seeing as he labeled the Content Warning as OH GOD MUGI POOPS ;_;
- Tear Jerker: All over the place. To some, the whole trilogy could be considered to be this.
- ↑ A website that hosts hentai and adult doujins
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