Taking Chance

Taking Chance is a 2009 film based on the experiences of Micheal Strobl, a lieutenant colonel in the United States Marine Corps, who volunteered to escort home Chance Phelps, a fallen Marine who was killed in the Battle of Falluja. The film has been known to cause Manly Tears in pretty much everybody who has seen it.

Tropes used in Taking Chance include:
  • The Atoner: Strobl feels guilty because he is serving in a staff job stateside rather than taking part in the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • Death Notification: The very beginning of the film shows this from the point of view of the military personnel delivering the notice, with a short segment of them coming outside, clearing the snow off of their car, and driving to Chance's home. It doesn't become clear what they are doing until they both get out of the car and begin walking towards the house.
  • Due to the Dead: The central theme of the movie, each fallen servicemember is escorted home to his hometown for burial. There is no point during the entire voyage, from Iraq to Europe to Dover Air Force Base to the servicemember's hometown, where the body is not under a military escort.
  • Genre Savvy: Almost everybody that Strobl and Ellison meet on their travels know what their mission is without being told.
  • Insistent Terminology: Strobl notices that the girl in the seat next to him is sending a text about the "HOT Soldier" sitting next to her.
  • Personal Effects Reveal: Twice. First when the mortician carefully cleans the blood off Chance's personal effects near the beginning of the movie, and again when his family receives them towards the end of the movie.
  • Tear Jerker: Expect to spend much of the movie with a lump in your throat.
  • Thicker Than Water: Strobl is making small talk with another of the escorts when they cross paths again about midway through the movie.

Sergeant Ellison: I'm headed to Rochester. It's about 90 miles from here. My family is meeting us there.
Strobl: ... Are you related to the deceased, Sergeant?
Ellison Yes Sir. He's my brother.

  • The Quest: Strobl volunteers to escort Phelps home to his family, and has to ensure that Phelps' body is accounted for at every step of the way.
  • Quit Your Whining: The night before the memorial service, when Strobl starts expressing his angst over not going on a combat tour to Iraq in favor of being able to spend more time with his family, a veteran sets him straight:

Charlie Fitts: Want to be with your family every night... you think you have to justify that?

  • Semper Fi: Both Phelps and Strobl are United States Marines.
  • Survivor Guilt: Sergeant Arenz, who was with Chance when he died. His guilt is even more pronounced because he trained Chance. He takes Chance's death as a personal failing, as if Chance wouldn't have died if he had somehow trained him better.

Strobl: I'm glad you're here.

If more men were like Chance in this world, we wouldn't need a Marine Corps.

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