< Taken for Granite
Taken for Granite/Playing With
Basic Trope: A character is turned into stone.
- Straight: Alice, a Black Magician Girl, casts a spell on Bob Coolson and he turns into stone.
- Exaggerated: Alice casts a spell and everyone on the planet except her turns into stone.
- Alice turns a water elemental into a stone elemental with her spell.
- Justified: Alice dislikes Bob, who cannot bother her if he is a statue.
- Alice is some kind of mythical monster whose gimmick is turning people to stone.
- Inverted: Alice turns herself to stone in order to protect herself from Bob.
- David Atlas McMichaelangelo is actually a stone statue that can take on a human form.
- Alice can turn stones into people.
- Subverted: Bob knew about Alice's magic, and has made himself immune to petrification.
- Alice's spell fails to work because Bob is an elemental.
- Bob is still able to move.
- Double Subverted: Bob's clothes are still affected, effectively imprisoning him.
- Parodied: Alice's spell only takes partial effect; Bob is unharmed but his mineral deficiencies have been corrected.
- Birds poop on Bob.
- Deconstructed: Alice comes to realize that petrifying others is a terrible way to solve a verbal conflict and the guilt of Bob's permanent fate catches up with her.
- Reconstructed: Alice overcomes this temporary bout of indecisiveness. She becomes a world-renowned sculptor and her immaculate works are on display in world-class gardens and museums the world over.
- Zig Zagged: Alice changes Bob back to normal just long enough for him to answer a quick question, after which she thanks and re-petrifies him.
- Averted: Alice kills Bob with another method.
- Enforced: Alice and Bob are in a series that is, naturally, Merchandise-Driven. The toy manufacturers realize it's a lot easier to emboss Bob on a plastic rectangle than to mold him into something more three-dimensional.
- Lampshaded: Bob is frozen in place with a curiously stony-faced expression.
- Invoked: ???
- Defied: Alice passes over learning a petrification spell for one that kills people with other methods.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
- Played For Laugh: Other than being a mage, Alice is a painter. When she has to make a painting for someone, she petrifies the subject to make him or her stand still for the best result. She's a world-class thanks to this technique.
- (Of course she de-petrifies them later, otherwise she will be known as a world-class sculptor and a fugitive.)
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