Take on Me
Take on Me is an 18-chapter sex-comedy manga written and illustrated by Takamura Sessyu; collected in two volumes, following a fairly loose chronology. The story follows a small, skinny high-schooler named Tomonori Tsuda and his sexual adventures with his class's Huge Schoolgirl Hikaru Ohno. After accidentally photographing an upskirt of her, he half-heartedly blackmails her into sex, to which she enthusiastically agrees. Guilty for blackmailing her, he tells her she shouldn't have to have sex with him- only to find out that his blackmail didn't scare her in the first place, and that she was interested in him all along. From that point forward, their relationship progresses personally and sexually in this manga. Along for the ride are Hikaru's older sister (who is apparently 26, but with hormone deficiency), some sworn rivals, and a pair of bisexual twins whom Tsuda loses his virginity to - but he doesn't want to admit it.
Renamed Domin8 Me when it was released in North America to avoid confusion with the 1980s hit by A-ha (granted it was just one of MANY musical and movie references contained within the manga - particularly, the chapter titles).
- Alpha Bitch: Enatsu.
- Author Appeal: Tsuda wears glasses. Hikaru wears glasses. Kei wears glasses. Ryoko and Koichi also wear glasses. Even the twins also wear glasses.
- Biggus Dickus: Big surprise there.
- Bi the Way: Hikaru and the twins.
- Berserk Button: The gap between Kei's apparent age and her actual one is a... sore point for her.
- But Not Too Foreign: The Twins. They're half Mexican.
- Christmas Cake: Kei, though you wouldn't know it at first glance.
- Coming of Age Story: Multiple definitions implied
- Covert Pervert: Hikaru.
- Excuse me, but what exactly is "covert" about her?
- Maybe it's because she's perpetually poker-faced. Besides, outside of two incidents, what's keeping Hikaru from stripping Tomonori down in public and riding him into the sunset?
- Evilly Affable: The Rapist from chapter 13.
- Home Porn Movie: Kei stumbles onto Hikaru and Tsuda's three-gigabyte and growing collection.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Enatsu and Tatsukawa.
- Inverted with Tsuda (shortest student in class) and Hikaru (182 cm tall)
- Huge Schoolgirl: Hikaru.
- The Immodest Orgasm: See Say My Name below.
- Little Big Sister: Kei.
- Lolicon: Poor Kei. It seems the only men her age not dissuaded from dating her by the prospect of seeming to be child molesters are child molesters....
- Dating for her. Failure Is the Only Option and she knows it.
- Meganekko: Hikaru, Kei, Enatsu and technically Tsuda.
- Megaton Punch: Kei pulls this off every so often.
- Not So Different: Hikaru and Enatsu are both very experienced in bed, rivals or no. The biggest hint for Enatsu is her... talent... for convincing the (male) referee that she was right during a baseball game.
- Office Lady: Kei
- Older Than They Look: Kei. She's FREAKING 26 YEARS OLD, but looks half her age. This also leads to initial difficulties during certain activities.
- Plot With Porn
- Porn Stash: Hikaru's keeps hers in a computer, but her sister found them easily enough. They're also self-made.
- Rape as Drama: Chapter Thirteen. Played surprisingly straight.
- The Rival: Enatsu.
- Say My Name: Enatsu lays off torturing Hikaru after the latter says Tsuda's name.
- Sex as Rite-of-Passage: Kei has never had a lover in her 26 years, and is willing to go so far as to try blackmailing her kid sister's boyfriend into initiating her.
- Shotacon: The visual aesthetic between Tsuda and Hikaru invokes this.
- The twins. Dear god, the twins!
- In fact, Kei's relationship with the twins pretty much serves as the series' main loli/shota fanservice.
- The twins. Dear god, the twins!
- Spell My Name with an "S": Tsuda was originally Tsushida in the translation.
- Theme Naming: The manga's Japanese title and its chapter titles are based off song and film titles. To wit: Knockin' on Heaven's Door, Sex Lies and Videotape, Reservoir Dogs, etc. etc.
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Tsuda is 156 cm (5' 1.4") and on the scrawny side while Hikaru is 182 cm (5' 11.7") (5'1 and 6'1 in the English translation)
- You have to consider Tsuda IS huge, but not in terms of height.
- Token Mini-Moe: Kei.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Hikaru and Enatsu.
- Twincest: Again, par for the course.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: The twins (for certain values of "wholesome," of course). Also, Tsuda gets forced into wearing women's clothing in a chapter with obvious results.