Tails Gets Trolled

What can be said about Tails Gets Trolled?

Well, it's a Sonic the Hedgehog crossover webcomic made by a DeviantArtist called lazerbot in 2011. The comic starts out simple: a group of trolls start to harass Tails, forcing him to go to his friends for help. Sonic suggests trying to reason with the trolls, but Shadow insists that violence is the only answer. Soon enough, shit goes down and Shadow decides to create "The Troll Slaiyers", a group of people dedicated to killing all trolls.

What happens afterward cannot be described in words. It must be seen to be believed.

This comic can be viewed at lazerbot's DeviantART page, or here.

Tropes used in Tails Gets Trolled include:
  • Anti-Hero: Shadow is a type IV to V at best.
  • Anti-Villain: The Troll King As well as Mario and Luigi
  • Armored Closet Gay: Bugs Bunny joins the Troll Slaiyers due to his ability to screw with trolls by crossdressing and kissing them (he's nicknamed "The Gay"), but he mentions that he hates doing so. Later, Bugs confesses that he actually became gay with Daffy.
  • Big Good: Pac Man
  • Boom! Headshot!: How Shadow ends the life of several characters, Daffy Duck in particular.
    • For a notable non Shadow inflicted example, this is how the Christians killed Poky's wife and son. To be exact by sniping them them both, with ONE SINGLE BULLET.
  • Breaking the Fellowship: The aftermath of debacle known only as the Awesome Fucking Plan, causes Rob and Silver to leave with Elmer Fudd and pursue their own way of stopping the troll invasion because of how disgusted they are with Shadow the Hedgehog. Mario leaves crackling about how much of an idiot Shadow is and about how he and the Troll Slaiyers were nothing but tools to him, with Bowser joining up the remainder of the group only at the very end.
  • Bury Your Gays: Bugs and Daffy.
    • Many Trolls deaths hint this as well, with some crying over their friends deaths saying how much they loved them or offering sex to be spared.
  • Butt Monkey: Like in many other media, Porky Pig has neverending bad luck in this comic. He learns that he has Satanist necromancy powers as he is attending a Christian funeral, he discovers an angry mob killed his parents and made them into bacon, and then both his wife and his son are killed in one shot.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: The comic goes from a simple story Shadow killing trolls in extremely violent and one sided fist fights, to overtly complicated and dark (though still hilarious) story with a large cast with different motives and schemes going on.
  • Corrupt Church: The Christan Church. They used to cultivate an army of Neutrals like the Satanists but instead doubled down on their all normal recruitment efforts in recent years. Not so bad right? Wrong, they commit genocide against all Neutrals they can find regardless if they work for the Satanists, and are willing to drag in their innocent family members including infants, to get at them.
  • Death Is Cheap: Averted to hell. Pac Man confirms that the Dragon Balls are just a myth and therefore no real method of resurrection exists in the TGT universe. The Neutrals just eat dead people's brains to get their memory and use their bodies as puppets.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Where to start? Shadow's solution to Tails getting trolled and to the trolls retaliation is murdering them and committing an act of major terrorism. Sonic is at first rightfully horrified but eventually gives in after the trolls say his girlfriend is a man and a slut. Same thing with the Troll King to a much lesser degree. He was shunned from society and hid a under a bridge 'trolling people'. He was just doing to others what they did to him, up until he conquered a city and destroyed a village in an act of revenge.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Alex the Emo Troll might be a gigantic asshole but he draws the line at murdering your friends and raping dead bodies
  • Fat and Skinny: The two trolls that harassed Tails in the beginning.
  • Five-Bad Band: The main ruling body of the Troll City
  • Five-Man Band: The Troll Slaiyers, even though there are eight members.
  • Hidden Depths: Rob, who turns out to be Dragonborn.
    • Out of all the neutrals, Wile E. Coyote appears to be the one that is destined for great power.
  • Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Mario and Luigi parents were trolls who told a stork to leave them in the middle of nowhere to die. Kario, Mario and Luigi's father openly mocks them about this when confront him on it. He just laughs saying he doesn't even love his wife but just loves having unprotected sex.
  • I Can't Hear You: A problem for Rob, the guy with no ears. As he is quick to scream out, he can't hear anybody.
  • Necromancer: Elmer Fudd, Wil E. Coyote, Sylvester, Tom, and Porky Pig were all given this power.
  • Infant Immortality: Averted Porky JR dies by sniper fire
  • Mega Crossover: It starts off with just Sonic the Hedgehog characters but quickly goes to work introducing lots and lot's of characters from other sources. Nintendo, The Hulk, Batman, Peanuts, Dexter, the Trix Rabbit, Ronald McDonald, Looney Tunes, and League of Legends just to name a few.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: The usual result of a battle between the Troll Slayiers and mook trolls. Also what happens to Sonic and his friends when they fight the Troll King.
  • Not So Harmless: Most of the characters, almost by necessity but particular note has to go to Rob the Guy with No Ears, who when buying time for his friends to escape, manages to hold off an army of Trolls singlehandedly. Even Alex the Emo Troll is suitably impressed
  • Off-Model: Though that's implying there's a model in the first place. Characters change size and shape so wildly and frequently that John Kricfalusi would be proud.
  • Off with His Head: How a few characters get killed off, the most important of these being Sonic.
  • Rouge Angles of Satin: Listing every instances of this would make this page larger than both the Homestuck and Friendship Is Magic trope lists combined.
    • In general, Lazerbot has an odd tendency to split compound words ("dumb ass", "bull shit", "be side" etc).
  • Shown Their Work: One of the odd things about the series that makes this Web Comic so unique. Histories of each franchise and character remain in the comic's canon, including obscure bits of trivia that pop up from time to time. Like half the moon being destroyed and being Dr. Eggman's hidden base or Porky Pig's wife being Petunia Pig.
  • Sixth Ranger: Bowser to the Troll Slaiyers After Mario and Luigi leave
  • The Mole: Luigi And Mario. And then Luigi again against the Trolls. They where working for themselves and playing the Trolls and Troll Slayiers off one another
  • Token Evil Teammate: Bowser to the Troll Slaiyers
  • What an Idiot!: The In Universe reaction by Silver due to the aftermath of Shadow the Hedgehog and the Troll Slaiyers Awesome Fucking Plan.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Shadow gets a major case of this after killing Daffy and Bugs, to the point Alex the Emo Troll calls him out on it. It's the leading cause of why Troll Slayiers disband
    • Knuckles plan to destroy the trolls is related to using a cannon to launch Temo at the trolls so he can go kill them. Temo ends up being sent into a mountain and dying.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.